Feng Shui Golden Comeback - a reincarnation?
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/22/2003 12:49 pm
Message: 194.1
I'm sure this has been asked before on the old forum, but are there any plans to reprint/rework it?


From: W23Goddess Posted on: 4/22/2003 1:56 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 194.2
in reply to: 194.1
>>I'm sure this has been asked before on the old forum, but are there any plans to reprint/rework it? <<

It's still in print:


Michelle Barrett
Warehouse 23 Manager
Steve Jackson Games
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/22/2003 3:34 pm
To: W23Goddess
Message: 194.3
in reply to: 194.2
Oh, my bad, guess cos I can't get it on Amazon.co.uk...not without using zShops and shipping it into the UK. Toying with Customs and Excise does not appeal...They're evil.


From: Hindmarch Posted on: 4/23/2003 1:56 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 194.4
in reply to: 194.3
What you will be seeing on the Feng Shui schedule, though, are a few titles in the style of Golden Comeback: new books that explore the root ideas in Feng Shui and offer up ways to make cooler characters, more spectacular action sequences and easier play-sessions. I'm pretty excited, because these are the Feng Shui books I always wanted as a fan, so it's a thrill to work on them.

First, of course, I have to finish "Gorilla Warfare."

Will Hindmarch
Feng Shui Guy
Atlas Games

From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/26/2003 10:04 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 194.5
in reply to: 194.3
I guess Amazon in the UK must have their own way of doing things -- Amazon in the US definitely maintains it in stock.

There are a lot of fine UK retailers who should be able to help you out with it, too. For example, Leisure Games, Playin' Games and Travelling Man -- all of which had booths at Gen Con UK, and tremendous selections of RPG titles, including huge gobs of Atlas games products.

From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/27/2003 12:27 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 194.6
in reply to: 194.5
Yeah, Amazon UK is pretty useless for Feng Shui; they have the core book, Seeds of the New Flesh and Seal of the Wheel. Everything else only comes from zShops, or else via Amazon.com. Which requires shipping to the UK.

There is always the real world shop option, but I do hate trawling for RPG stuff...


From: Queex Posted on: 4/28/2003 5:38 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 194.7
in reply to: 194.6
Waylands Forge do mail order and carry a decent stock, too. They're Brum based. I've got stuff from them before (including Furry Pirates) with no hassle.