Feng Shui Fu clarification: Prodigious Leap
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/23/2003 3:44 pm
Message: 195.1
Been reading over some of my favourite Fu powers, and to be honest, I don't understand the description of Prodigious Leap. It says you can jump twice your Move rating. What in metres?(!)

That would mean with a Move of 7 you could jump 14(!) metres vertically or horizontally. That's a long way (about 7 storeys!). And 28 metres for Abundant Leap?

Or does it mean you can jump twice the normal human amounts for your Move? I.e. halve the normal jumping difficulties?


From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 4/23/2003 4:29 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 195.2
in reply to: 195.1
Twice your move rating in meters. Hello, Wuxia!

Edited 4/23/2003 4:30:08 PM ET by Bob the Dancing Monkey (BOBMONKEY)
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/25/2003 6:30 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 195.3
in reply to: 195.2
Whoa...Fair enough. Presumably other people work in the necessary wuxia touch of lightness. I.e. characters with Abundant/Prodigious Leap can leap off any surface - heads, spearpoints, eggshells, open stretches of water?

Something I always include is falling said distance unhurt as well as jumping, but that's obvious isn't it?

28 metres with Abundant Leap....Could do 100m in under 3(!) seconds!


From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 4/25/2003 8:57 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 195.4
in reply to: 195.3
Indeed. From what I understand, a number of Feng Shui GMs actually just allow Prodigous Leap to be a default schtick that everyone has.
From: Queex Posted on: 4/28/2003 5:45 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 195.5
in reply to: 195.4
Actually, Abundant Leap takes 3 shots and Prodigious only 1, so you get greater speed with prodigious. With 8 Fu and a Move of 6 you can manage the 100m in something like 2 seconds. I guess the leaps qualify as supernatural speed for the car chase rules.
From: Ovronnaz Posted on: 5/15/2003 3:39 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 195.6
in reply to: 195.4
Oh yeah? I kinda like the idea of anybody leaping that much around. Anybody tried this and care to share?

