Feng Shui Fuschia Monks, anyone?
From: Sensei Posted on: 4/25/2003 10:14 pm
Message: 198.1
Hey, guys. I've got the "Blood of the Valiant" sourcebook, and it has a section on 'Instant Monks'; character templates representing students from each of the Color Principles used by the Hand.

Blue, Red, Violet, Yellow, and White Monks are described in simple, short text blocks, with stats and abilities. Then the rat bastards say, and I quote, "Green Monks and Orange Monks were covered in Back for Seconds and are not repeated here".

Ok, two things...

(1) Does anyone have BFS, and if so, would you be willing to send me the info on these two monk types?

(2) An open comment to any game book publishers of any game anywhere: CONSUMERS FRIGGIN' HATE WHEN YOU DO CRAP LIKE THAT. I don't care if you previously had it chiseled on the face of Mt Rushmore; if yer gonna give stats for 90% of something, take the five inches of column space and REPRINT the freakin' remaining 10% of the info. Thank you.

From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/26/2003 5:38 am
To: Sensei
Message: 198.2
in reply to: 198.1
At the very least those archetypes could do with going on the Atlas Games site as a download, since we can no longer get Back for Seconds (since the "additional" six archetypes already available are in the Atlas edition of the main book)...


From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/27/2003 10:40 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 198.3
in reply to: 198.2
Maybe they're something that could go into the Blood of the Valiant reprint, when it rolls around? (Possibly this autumn, in fact.)

Hey, Will! I'm lobbing this your way as something to look into, as long as we were thinking of beefing BOTV up with some new material.

From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 4/27/2003 12:25 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 198.4
in reply to: 198.3
Possibly, as long as it does reappear somewhere. BotV would make sense since that is where the rest of them appear anyway. A couple more pages wouldn't break the printers/binders would it?

On a wider point, will any of the other non-reprinted/non-obsolete stuff from Back for Seconds be reprinted somewhere, or else appear as an errata PDF? I've never seen Back for Seconds myself, so I wouldn't know what I'm missing.


From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/27/2003 2:50 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 198.5
in reply to: 198.4
> A couple more pages wouldn't break the printers/binders
> would it?

We need to do books in multiples of 16 pages (print signatures), and we were planning to add some new material to Blood of the Valiant anyhow.

> On a wider point, will any of the other
> non-reprinted/non-obsolete stuff from Back for Seconds be
> reprinted somewhere, or else appear as an errata PDF? I've
> never seen Back for Seconds myself, so I wouldn't know what
> I'm missing.

It's not likely. In fact, it's not even clear to me that we can do these monks. We don't own the rights to the Daedalus books (and it's often not clear who does). In the case of Thorns of the Lotus, we made an arrangement with the original author (Daedalus never paid him to own the material, as i recall). I'm not completely sure about the situation with Back for Seconds, but we can look into it, since we did get those other archetypes out of it. (It may be that the archetypes we did use were Robin's writing, and but the monks weren't, in which case it may not be possible.)

On the other hand, we might wind up having a brand-new write up, rather than a reprint, if this is material that people think needs to be covered in the Atlas editions somewhere.

From: DarrinBright Posted on: 5/5/2003 8:39 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 198.6
in reply to: 198.5
The sections on Green and Orange Monks were written by Hal Mangold, who should be a lot easier to find than Rich Warren. Hal's with Green Ronin, isn't he?

I've got both Blood of the Valiant and Back for Seconds, but I'd love to see every colored monk back in print.

From: BillionSix Posted on: 5/8/2003 9:55 pm
To: DarrinBright
Message: 198.7
in reply to: 198.6
I just dug through my stuff and found it.

Green Monks get lots of turtle schitcks plus one called Immobility of the Turtle, Chi 2, Shots 1. On a successful Martial Arts check the Monk channels Chi into the surface he stands on. He cannot be moved until the end of the sequence, or until he is killed.

Green Monk mooks go down on attacks of outcome 6 or more.

Orange Monks get a Schtick called Orange Principle. When you use a Fu schtick, you gain a +1 AV bonus to Martial Arts check the next time you use a different Fu schtick in the same sequence. You also gain a +1 AV bonus when you attack 3 or more opponents in the same action.

Special sticks are for named monks.

I don't remember where I found this, but here you go.

From: Sensei Posted on: 5/9/2003 7:23 pm
To: BillionSix
Message: 198.8
in reply to: 198.7
Domo arigato!