Feng Shui [Operation Killdeer] german translation
From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 5/12/2003 8:33 am
Message: 210.1
I just wondered how to translate "killdeer" in german. I thought it was a slang expression or a somehow composed word for which there is no expression in german. But amazingly it is a name of a bird, the Keilschwanzregenpfeifer (lat.: Charadrius vociferus).

Why was the operation named in such way?

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 5/12/2003 8:49 am
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 210.2
in reply to: 210.1
Here's my take:

Although Operation Killdeer was put together to get the attention of the Fire King and the Darkness Queen by putting a number of their enemies together, pitting them off each other, and _killing them_, there was another target.

Adrienne Hart, who had been having an affair with the Unspoken Name. Mr X, the mysterious figure who seems to have fallen off the map of the Secret War as right-hand man of the Unspoken Name, decided to X out Ms Hart in the midst of the battle to further the Ascended War.

Hart: a male deer.


Decent theory?

From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 5/12/2003 10:45 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 210.3
in reply to: 210.2
Hi Bob,

you really convinced me.



From: Sensei Posted on: 5/16/2003 6:40 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 210.4
in reply to: 210.2
Um... why not "killdoe" then?
From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 5/17/2003 6:40 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 210.5
in reply to: 210.4
Dunno. Maybe 'Deer' just sounded better.
From: John Nephew Posted on: 5/18/2003 12:56 am
To: Sensei
Message: 210.6
in reply to: 210.4
> Um... why not "killdoe" then?

Because "killdeer" is itself a real word -- in specific, it's the name of a bird. (Maybe it's supposed to be too a parody/homage of the Jackie Chan movie, Operation Condor?)

See http://www.slivoski.com/birding/killdeer.htm for some pictures and sounds, for example.

We've spotted killdeers around our office. Michelle has pointed them out to me, noting the way they pretend to look injured (to draw attention away from their nests).

From: DarrinBright Posted on: 5/20/2003 2:58 pm
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 210.7
in reply to: 210.1
The Killdeer is a bird in the Plover/Lapwing family. It's most well-known for feigning a broken wing when you get close to its nest.

The german equivalent would probably be a Little Ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius, Flußregenpfeifer):


So, feel free to scribble out "Operation: Killdeer" and write in "Operation: Flußregenpfeifer".