Feng Shui Blood drain too good?
From: thealiendz89 Posted on: 5/15/2003 12:14 am
Message: 213.1
For Action Value Gain, can you gain more than +1 to a given action value for the skill? It says you can use the power repeatedly on the same victim. Does that mean you can steal +1 Martial Arts, +1 Guns and so on from the same person, or that you can steal someone down to zero, adding their whole score to yours if you hit them enough?

If you can't stack the bonuses from one target, what about multiple? Taking one point of Martial Arts from each opponent...? One crowd of six mooks later and +6?

I am hoping this isn't the case. I am hoping the power isn't this abusable, but I'd like to know if there's even been an official answer to this.

From: Sensei Posted on: 5/16/2003 7:10 pm
To: thealiendz89
Message: 213.2
in reply to: 213.1
Firstly, the description of Blood Drain must be read judiciously, or the abuse will be rampant...

Per the description, you need to forego the normal *damage* done in order to use any of the schtick effects, including the "Action Value Gain" ability. This means the schtick only works on Named characters, i.e., characters against whom you do damage.

Since you don't -do- damage to mooks, this skill is not usable against them, and therefore you can't suck mook-strength all game, no. That would indeed make the schtick WAAAAAY freakin' scary as all hell!

However, to answer your question, I would say yes, it is indeed designed to stack points from one target, but remember that it must be done with a skill you both have in common. Yes, you can reduce them to zero and swipe all their skill for yourself.

But what Named character is gonna let you do that? While your attacks aren't doing any damage to them (remember that?), they're blasting away with their Mossberg Special Purpose shotgun at you... Chances are, you're not gonna suck all their Guns skill before they splatter your innards across the wall.

Unless, of course, you Glutinous Goo them helpless beforehand... heh heh! ("BLAAAAHHHHHH!"... suck suck suck...)