Ars Magica Damage from falling objects?
From: Freakwave Posted on: 5/29/2003 12:11 am
Message: 226.1
I have tried searching rules books for this, but I only found information about how much a falling character takes damage(1 point per 2 spaces fallen, if falling on hard surface(like stone), 1 point per 1 space).

What if, for example, a huge boulder falls from the height of 30 spaces on a character, how much damage would he take? Would he take the same as if he had fallen 30 spaces on a hard surface(stone)?

From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 5/29/2003 2:53 am
To: Freakwave
Message: 226.2
in reply to: 226.1

It depends how heavy the boulder is. If the boulder is heavier than the magus, he should take a lot more damage. If it strikes the head, the victim should take more damage.

When you fall on the ground you normally break your fall somewhat, spreading the impact and reducing the peak forces. You normally act to protect your head.

But when you are hit by an object one particular body part take the brunt of the energy.


- David W