Feng Shui Two Handed Weapon use.
From: ConradMurkit Posted on: 6/3/2003 3:18 pm
Message: 231.1
Hi, I have just got a copy of the Feng Shui rules. I am very impressed by the simplicity of the rules, something I have been looking for for a long time.

What I want to know if this.

Is there any AV penalty for using 2 melee weapons i.e. 2 swords and if so do you calculate the damage the same way you would in Two Guns Blazing. In addition what penalty would you give to a character who tried to fire 2 firearms without any levels in Two Guns Blazing?

Many Thanks

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 6/3/2003 4:26 pm
To: ConradMurkit
Message: 231.2
in reply to: 231.1
Some great questions.

_Golden Comeback_ actually has some rules for Both Swords Blazing, but it does come down to what you might expect, basically.

Now, check this out. This, I believe, is in the FAQ, but no levels of Both Guns Blazing isn't always bad.

Here's how it works. Shooting With Two Guns (not BGB) is a standard gun stunt - -2AV on that, but it's a single attack rather than using the specialized BGB rules. Hence, it's an attack with a single Toughness against it when calculating wound points.

BGB at the first level actually can penalize you more than without the weapons (in other words, double toughness hit on the number of wound points you inflict.)

So why bother with Both Guns Blazing? Well, as soon as you hit the second and higher levels of BGB and become a serious Gun-Bunny, you start getting that ramp up on the to-hit, which is good for itself, and for the fact that the higher Outcome adds on to the damage as well.

And if someone is playing a Killer or other Guns-centric character, you _need_ Golden Comeback. At least to read at the local store, but you should buy it anyway.

Why? Three words. Ten Thousand Bullets, the swiss army knife of any Gunner in Feng Shui. First level gives you the ability to shoot at two people at once with no penalty. Second level allows you to shoot at three. with no penalty. That's Named (to be used with BGB) _or_ Unnamed (which makes Carnival of Carnage into a frickin' Renaissance Faire of Carnage. Two levels of each give you the potential - with two sub-machine guns - the ability to take out 30-40 mooks per sequence, all while looking cool doing it).

Not to mention rules for cover fire, mixing Guns with magick...the book kicks ass. Oh, it's true. It's damn true.

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 6/3/2003 6:12 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 231.3
in reply to: 231.2
Per the FAQ, if you don't have Both Guns Blazing, you can shoot two different targets, one with each gun, using the standard -2 penalty. You can shoot one target with both guns but this is *NOT* a stunt. No AV penalty, and no bonus. The FAQ sez that you do as much damage as you'd do with the larger of your two guns, which makes sense...

So you could fight with two swords without Both Swords Slashing (or whatever you like to call it) but it's mainly just stylistic. The stunts you came up with to explain hitting two or three people at once might be different when using two swords rather than one, for instance.

From: ConradMurkit Posted on: 6/4/2003 3:47 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 231.4
in reply to: 231.2
Bob, Thanks for the reply.

In response.

Where can I get the FAQ?? Sounds like an essential read.

So are you saying that if a PC attacks 1 opponent without the use of BGB they still calculate damage for both guns? but against only one toughness rating?

Sounds like Golden Comeback is a must buy when I have some spare cash!!!

Thanks for the reply..

From: GrifterX2 Posted on: 6/4/2003 6:05 pm
To: ConradMurkit
Message: 231.5
in reply to: 231.4
No, that's not quite right. If a player without BGB makes an attack with two guns at once on the same target it is purely a style thing. The player simply does damage equal to the damage of the highest rated gun they are firing. So if you shoot that demon with a pistol and a shotgun, only count the damage from the shotgun. If you shoot the demon with two Desert Eagle .50 cals then the monster takes damage equal to the normal damage from being shot by one Eagle.

The FAQ, which says the same thing in a much clearer manner, is located at http://members.tripod.com/blewer-d/fsfaq.htm.
