Ars Magica Ars Magica upcoming releases
From: SirParn Posted on: 6/22/2003 1:56 pm
Message: 246.1
Hiya All !!:)

I had a question regarding "Sanctuary of Ice". My local RPG distributor has informed me that it has an August release date, which by the Atlas Games site confirmed this. But i looked again the other day and it has gone back to being "To Be Announced" for it's release date, so does anyone have any idea what is going on??

Also with "Black Monks of Glastonbury" is that going to be released under Ars Magica or one of Atlas Games other game titles, and is there any idea when it should be released??

I also remember a while back there was a rumor going around that there was going to be a new Fae book released, I was wondering if that is true and if there is any idea when it may be coming up for release? As this would be very useful to our campaign seeing how we are mainly based in Arcadia.

Also this is more directed to the people of Atlas Games, I was wondering if you could add a section to the Ars Magica part of you web site which has upcoming releases for new titles, so we can keep up with what is the latest news regarding Ars Magica?

Many Thanks

Sir Parn, Prince of the Court of the Great White Oak, White Dragon Knight of France!!:)

Edited 6/22/2003 2:05:27 PM ET by SIRPARN
From: John Nephew Posted on: 6/22/2003 6:08 pm
To: SirParn
Message: 246.2
in reply to: 246.1
> I had a question regarding "Sanctuary of Ice". My local RPG
> distributor has informed me that it has an August release date,
> which by the Atlas Games site confirmed this.

This is still correct. In fact, I've been working on the book here at home this weekend.

> But i looked again the other day and it has gone back to being
> "To Be Announced" for it's release date, so does anyone have
> any idea what is going on??

Strange. No idea what happened. Webmeister Will?

> Also with "Black Monks of Glastonbury" is that going to be
> released under Ars Magica or one of Atlas Games other game
> titles, and is there any idea when it should be released??

It appears under the Coriolis logo, as a dual stat Ars Magica/D20 book. We expect Black Monks to be delivered to us on Tuesday (shipment from the printer in Canada was confirmed last week). We'll be shipping it out to distributors ASAP.

> I also remember a while back there was a rumor going around
> that there was going to be a new Fae book released, I was
> wondering if that is true and if there is any idea when it may be
> coming up for release? As this would be very useful to our
> campaign seeing how we are mainly based in Arcadia.

One will be needed at some point. However, it will not happen until 5th edition is released. And, if we try to do one realm book per year, I'd rather focus on the ones that didn't have recent sourcebooks (especially since Faeries 2nd Ed is now available in PDF form) -- the magic, divine and infernal, in other words, need to come out before a new Fae book. So that will be about time for a Faeries 3rd Edition as one of the quarterly releases in 2008.