Feng Shui Tell me about your Feng Shui games
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 7/3/2003 5:54 am
Message: 251.1
I'm not playing or running Feng Shui right now, so I'd just like to know how other people are enjoying the game.

What is the premise of your campaign? Is it based in the Secret War, or even the core setting?

Who are the characters? Are they all human, or are there a mixture including the supernatural? Are they all gun-men, or is there a mix of fu, magic and creature powers?

What have been the defining moments, or funniest bits?

Does your campaign have a website?

Anything you can spare would be great.


From: Queex Posted on: 7/3/2003 6:05 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 251.2
in reply to: 251.1
Well, I've had a mixture. Players have been hopping in and out, so there's always been something fresh.

It's been pretty much secret war/default setting. Some of players are reaching the point where they'll be behind-the-scenes string-pullers.

I haven't got a campaign website as such, but I've got quotes up at http://chthonic.150m.com/feng

I'm toying with the idea of putting up some of the scenario ideas I've used. Some were doozies.

From: Sensei Posted on: 7/4/2003 11:22 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 251.3
in reply to: 251.1
Not all of these characters participate in every adventure, but the PCs in our campaign in general are:

A Monster Hunter who's gone AWOL from the Buro ever since an escaped Abomination killed his wife. He's sworn to destroy all Abominations now. He's fled to the Contemporary Juncture, and is passingly familiar with some info of the Secret War due to his former profession. He's skilled with arcanotech, but now refuses to use it out of fear of turning into his own worst enemy...

A Magic Cop who's been assigned to "keep an eye on" the PCs in the Contemporary Juncture. He and the Monster Hunter have bonded due to their combined hatred of supernatural monsters/ Abominations. [The Cop believes he's with a special division of the NSA, but his superior reports to the Wheel.]

A Chinese Gardener from the present, a feng shui and kung fu expert. The Gardener's been told of the Hand's existence by his former masters, who broke away from the neo-Confucians several generations ago, but he doesn't know of the other factions.

A Yakuza enforcer who's been overshadowed by his brother in the Japanese crime family, and so has come to the USA to establish a name for himself in the Western underworld.

A Killer who also has enough Medical skill that she daylights as a successful surgeon. [She can blast someone with her Desert Eagle, then keep them alive long enough to interrogate.]

An Everyman Hero who drives a '75 El Camino and has no idea what any of it means, but by God is gonna do the right thing.

A Pilot who owns a Viet Nam-era Huey helicopter, and flies no-questions-asked cargo around the southern USA. (The Huey is now equipped with a Hellharrower, thanks to their last adventure.)

A spy who's left government work, and now she freelances for her own amusement.

The group is vaguely aware of the Secret War thanks to the Magic Cop and Monster Hunter, but their info is far from complete. Some of them had been to the Netherworld on one occasion, so about half the group is immune to Shifts. The Hunter knows the Dragons exist, and is trying to hook up with them in the present juncture in order to offer his services. [The rest of the group will most likely join him, of course.]
Unwittingly, the group has already foiled the plans of both the Lotus on three occasions (one being the 'Trash Compactor to the Netherworld' adventure), and the Jammers (during an attempt to disrupt the entire chi flow of Milwaukee).

Edited 7/4/2003 11:23:34 PM ET by Sensei (SENSEI22)
From: GrifterX2 Posted on: 7/9/2003 4:37 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 251.4
in reply to: 251.3
I'm currently working on a write up of my group's most recent adventure. I will post it to the listserv as well as here. Needless to say, it involves a villain and his attempt to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!


From: urbwar Posted on: 9/9/2003 1:20 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 251.5
in reply to: 251.1
Well, our Mythic China game is now 2 sessions old. I only have 2 players, but between the 2, I have enough melodramtic info to run many a session. As I mentioned in the thread about using the game for Chinese fantasy, I'm not using the established setting, but a setting akin to Mythic China, with revised versions of many of the factions coexisting in a place simply called "The Empire"

One character is a Taoist swordsman (based on the Shaolin Master from Blood of the Valiant), the last of his school. While he was visiting Wudang Mountain at the command of his master, his school (The Gate of Emptiness school and Temple) was attacked by 5 martial arts masters. Everyone was killed, and our swordsman has sworn revenge. The daughter of the school's master has returned as a ghost to avenge her father and fellow students, but our pc is now the sole inheritor of Gate of Emptiness Sword style.

The other pc is a transformed Dragon from the boonies. He like to gamble, and was framed for not paying his debts to the local triad society, so he fled the province he called home.

Our intrepid heroes have met the father of the swordsman's sifu, and discovered that his grand daughter is now a ghost, cursed to not enter reincarnation until all 5 Masters have died for their crime. The players are now sworn to see all 5 Masters destroyed, so that Szu Lan (the ghost) can reincarnate, and not be consumed by her rage (they've been warned if she is consumed by her rage, she will become a demon)

In the city they are in, they found the 5th and weakest of the 5 Masters, Kwan Zhu Te, master of the Red Tiger Clan. After beating on some of his mooks, and fighting some of his servants (a wimpy thug named Ying Loo, and a hired gun known only as Black Mantis), they end up meeting an interesting assortment of characters (the backstory on Szu Lan's own family is a driving force for much of the events that led to the Gate of Emptiness school being destroyed).

They ended up confronting Kwan in his own school, and a battle between the pc's and their ghostly ally against Kwan and his two main agents (Black Mantis and Qui Bao, Kwan's student) saw Qui Bao beat Szu Lan, but Black Mantis (who is a woman) turned on Qui when he told the Dragon pc (whom she had been fighting) that he wished he had raped Szu Lan when they destroyed her school. Between Black Mantis and the pc, Qui Bao died a horrid death. At the same time, our Taoist swordsman was fighting Kwan, and losing. When Kwan had the upper hand, Szu Lan's uncle, a former villain known as Black Lotus, used a unique schtick he has to recharge the swordsman's Fortune Die (whch he had used up earlier in the fight), and the swordsman, feeling the spirit of Kwan Do, god of war infusing his being, unleashed a flurry of attacks that allowed him to defeat Kwan Zhu Te (he actually beat Kwan before Qui Bao was killed by the Dragon PC). After our Dragon PC beat Qui, the last remaining leader in the Red Tigers, Ying Loo (who is a weasly type found in many a Shaw Brothers film), prostrated at the Dragon's feet, and proclaimed him the new leader of the Red Tigers. Black Mantis, having switched sides, proclaimed the Red Tigers know more, and the clan is now the Ning Ring Dragon Clan (as the pc uses a nine ring broadsword, and his name means "Dragon Bones" in Chinese). The taoist pc was laughing ooc, cause he did the real work of killing the Old Master, but I thought it was a nice twist.

Next up is seeing how the dragon pc deals with his new found responsiblities (which he never wanted), attuning to the FS site Kwan controlled (a minor one), and a possible appearance by some Bounty Hunters looking for the Dragon.

The players are really digging the game, since we have been able to mesh both the melodrama typical of the genre with comedic elements (much like in many old Jackie Chan movies, or the Once Upon a Time in China films), and have a good old time with the kung fu fight scenes.

From: Heero45 Posted on: 9/25/2003 12:55 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 251.6
in reply to: 251.1
Our new season just recently started this is the current Character roster.
Character list:
1) Fighting Magic user who is the leader. (Female blade weaver > made up archetype<)
2) Dog Demon that loves his sword (Male supernatural creature)
3) School Girl that loves training a dog in the party (Sorceress)
4) Ghostly Gardner (Female Ghost)
5) Assassin that likes seduction (Male Killer)
6) Crazy Cosplayer with both swords blazing (Female Mask Avenger)
7) A Vampire that just goes unnoticed (Female supernatural creature)
“Bring out the dead”
1) A Monster Hunter that hate to be called rookie (Male)
2) Old Master that love fire and doing the fine art of Noodles Painting (Male)
3) Transformed Animal salamander that runs away from battle (Female)
4) Portal Jockey that love Shot-guns and pops out of portals(Male Portal Jockey)

As the GM the party had met up in the netherworld. The party are part of the Secret War knowing what they have figure out so far which is that other people are trying to take control of time. Currently um the party decided it wants to work for the Ice monarch in the netherworld. They are trying very hard to be notice by the ice queen so they can get promotion in her force to better position.

Funny parts in are campaign can’t be describe just too many to write about. The games are more Role-playing based with a nice named character battle at the end or more depending on the story of the day. Recently the adding of blowing up building has been added to some of the character to do list.

We currently don’t have a website for the party but I will think about it since I do know html and could make an interesting one just describing each adventure.

From: Dr_Cohen Posted on: 12/13/2003 8:17 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 251.7
in reply to: 251.1
Our session has been running for a year or so now. There are only two players, both from the contemporary juncture. One is a Private Eye who was forced to flee from Spain after the local mob put a price on his head. The second character is a Sorcerer who in-game is a Voodoo Priest. That way we get to make play with some fun variations on the spells.

I've been using the Secret War as a backdrop, but the characters themselves aren't really invovled yet too heavily. They started out knowing nothing and are slowly unraveling the truth. They're really very minor players in the scheme of things. Right now they've just been thrust into the Netherworld for the first time alone. They have no guide or idea where to go. They've spent a few days in a city that is under martial law from the Buro and are about to get caught up in a full blown rebellion.

The tone of the game is pretty grim and dark. One thing that really inforced this mood was the death of one of the first two characters we started with. She was an orphaned Transformed Animal who was searching for her family. She was killed on a subway trying to get a vaccine for a Buro Engineered virus. She bled to death in the Private Eyes arms. Since then the Transformed Animal has been replaced with a cursed Voodoo Priest and the Private Eye has become this world weary outcast looking for vengence. Meanwhile they continue to find more clues and unravel more about what is really going on.

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 12/15/2003 11:04 am
To: Dr_Cohen
Message: 251.8
in reply to: 251.7
The continuing long-running campaign that would not die (nine players, two of which act as alternating co-GMs.) continued yesterday with the start of the new 'film', Feng Shui: Present Crisis. It was an utter, utter success.

The e-mailed trailer to the players read as follows:
(if you want more information on this, post and I'll put up more)

Black Screen.

Flash cut to...

[white on black screen] Woodcut of a Cowled Monkey Holding an Apple (Gleam
in Monkey's Eye)

Fade Out. Fade into...

[On-screen] Adam and the Dancing Monkey Productions Presents

<Aged Male Voice, British and musing>: "A ghost. A gambler. A cop. A spy. A killer. A fireman. A brute. And an old drunken man..."

Fade Out. Fade In - the Dragons are sitting on a small plane, surrounding a hearty old man with a cane, sipping a scotch.

Old Man <smiling into his glass>: "You must be a lot of fun at parties."

<scene change to the Genocide Lounge backroom. Colt is playing poker with Orangotank and Furious George>

Announcer: "The Dragons' uneasy truce..."

<scene change to the streets of San Francisco, 1936. It's raining, and Seamus jumps onto a trolley, helping up Madeleine>

Announcer: "...with the Jammers, the Lotus, and the Pulp Ascended..."

<scene change to a bouncing red ball. Slow pan up to reveal a little
child bouncing the ball from behind. In the background, Dragon/Ascended Atlanta, 2057. Beatific cityscape panorama with flying cars in the background>

Announcer: "...to hold together a future of their own creation is about to suffer a terrible blow..."

<The child picks up the ball. As she does so, the background turns into a fiery grey nightmare of concrete skyscrapers. The child turns her face towards us, and it is laced with glowing red veins. She smiles.>

Announcer: "...from the present."

Fade Out.


Ting Ting <panicked, staticky audio feed>: "Suzy...send help fast! The Radio Tower is under attack! We have been betrayed! The Radio

Music swells...

Announcer: "Now, as the Alliance of the Future begins to fall apart..."

<cut to scene in deep jungle - the Battlechimp Potemkin towers over
Gabrielle Summers>

Battlechimp: "My lieutenants that allied with you in this venture had none of my authority. We do not attune to feng shui sites, woman. We destroy them!"

fade out. fade in to Madeleine sitting in the Clock Room of the Junkyard, sitting next to Seamus.

Announcer: "And the Ascended War threatens to collapse..."

Madeleine: "I have been informed by my employer that the Ascended will join together in purpose once again." Madelene looks uneasily at the Dragons. "This must not happen."

Announcer: "The Dragons must retrack the steps of the past..."

Cut to Lars Croft giving a hand to Snorri as they climb a mountain pass.

Announcer: "To retake the future."

<music cuts out>

Cut to Chon La in a white interrogation room, from over the shoulder of a man in a black suit and sunglasses.

Chon La: "Is this where I hit you? Because really, I've been waiting
for this all day."

<Fade out with sound cue in the background of something zipping through the air very fast. Glass breaks. Beat, then music resumes>

Announcer: "This winter..."

<Cut to Dragons running into a room. Camera follows them through glass door into room. A muffled boom sounds under the announcer, and the room disappears, leaving them a stone's throw away from the radio tower, which is under attack by _something_.>

Announcer: "The moment when it all goes down..."

<cut to rotunda, camera high looking out from behind Dragons. Camera
catches many dozen armored and armed guards gaining beads on Dragons from all sides. Camera dips to waist level from behind as weapons are
unsheathed (Lily, Darkness Blade, the Cleave, and Snorri's Axe) and chi accumulated (ball lightning and hands full of fire). Camera speeds to front of group. Jiang Xia grins, mockingly.>

Fade Out.

Announcer: "is right now."

Female synthesized voice: "This is the weather the cuckoo likes..."

Announcer: "Feng Shui: Present Crisis. This campaign has not yet been

Edited 12/15/2003 11:05:27 AM ET by Bob the Dancing Monkey (BOBMONKEY)

Edited 12/15/2003 11:07:27 AM ET by Bob the Dancing Monkey (BOBMONKEY)
From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 5/3/2004 12:29 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 251.9
in reply to: 251.8
Five months later, the Dragons are in a pickle. Their McGuffin that's helped them take partial control of the future was destroyed by The Thing With 1000 Tongues. The Thing has been rampaging through time, destroying a number of Feng Shui sites of the Ascended and Dragons in seeming alliance with the new faction of our group, The Three Queens.

With the destruction of the Radio Tower (the afore-mentioned McGuffin), time snapped back to the Architect future. However, with both Boatman and Bonengel gone, missing, or killed in the midst of past events, someone had to take control. The Three Queens have nicely stepped into that gap and remade 2058 into their image. That would be, of course, the image of Desdemona Deathangel, the Darkness Queen, and a third as-of-yet silent partner. I'm envisioning a very dark, sacrificial, world in which concentration camps are being run for the sole purpose of creating children for...well...none too good purposes.

That's the backstory that's about to come running to a massive trainwreck with the Dragons as the Junkyard is invaded by the Three Queens' foot-soldiers. The Dragons, however, have been on a side-plot to recover the turned-nasty Prof on the island of Al Amarja. What they've found instead is a six-year old 'Ani Dao' who was rescued from the basement of a school on The Edge. The elder Dao has been working with a bunch called The Atlanteans, who seem to make most of their money from drug-running, including a new drug called 'Cho-Mo', which gives normal people Feng-Shui-like abilities and reflexes. The Dragons learned that a high-up Tranimal in the 1936 version of the Lodge has been siphoned for his Chi for some weeks, bringing him perilously close to reversion.

Having lost touch with two of their cohorts (one who disappeared, the other being switched with a tulpa by C&I), the Dragons returned to the Netherworld with some hope of finding them there. They came with the tranimal to The Escher Hotel, with the 1936 Tranimal giving testimony to what was happening on the island and the long, toruous path of why the Modern Ascended were responisble for his near-reversion. The Dragons return to The Junkyard as the '36 Ascended call for war on their contemporaries to find themselves in the midst of a Three Queen ambush.

It's been a lot of fun. Particularly when I got to get the players to convert the FS characters into Over the Edge versions of themselves (standard OvtE characters with one new slot - 4 Dice for the Trait 'Bad-Ass', which the player must define personally.)

It was a huge success as the players suddenly found themselves in a world where people got hurt A LOT, and quickly.

Oh, and I've had a little fun with an idea that came from Lovecraft's Dreamlands when a player came back out of dream into the wrong body. What's even better, the players seem to have gotten quite a kick out of it.

From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/13/2004 9:46 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 251.10
in reply to: 251.9
Hi all.

I've been running the same group for about 6 years, on and off, with minor variations to the line-up. The main players/ survivors are:
Zephyr - A Eurasian gunman who keeps his military past to himself (Male Killer)
Narcissus - An ex-triad infiltration specialist and hunter (Female ninja)
Romeo - A HK Maverick cop with a restored Mustang and a love of all things American. (Male Maverick cop)
Nine stabs wa - A drunken two-fisted triad out to avenge his father's mysterious death (Male - adapted killer type)
Tenchu - A sorceror who treads a fine line of being on the side of 'right' (Male sorceror)
India - A Transformed dragon on the run, scared to reveal her nature to her allies. (Female transformed dragon - played by a guy)

Notice how my style-heavy PC's chose 'Uni-nom' names like Cher or Madonna? I think they believe it makes them more mysterious...

Along the way we lost Glimmer (Latino Ex-special forces, now a Buro cyborg with four arms!), Vengeance (Female masked avenger)and an unamed alien who fell to earth then ran off (An interesting idea that didn't work).

My PC's have seen many adventures along the way, and are tough enough to be string-pullers, but they are not gonna retire.
I could kill 'em or force retirement on them, but as a RPGer myself i know how nasty it is to have the GM kill off or cancel your group out from under you. So as long as it stays fun, i'll just keep the mooks coming (with suitable AV's).

It would take longer than my lunch break to recount adventures even briefly, so here are some highlights/turning points until i get to post again:

- Their indoctrination into the Dragons was protecting a smuggling Rastafarian called Rufus Lanes from Lotus-backed triads.
- They faced a Batman type villian and his gang of goons, all of whom dressed as clowns and had a big top hideout, and foiled their clown-crime spree. The head clown was called Billy-Bob-Gosh.
- The Lotus backers pushed the Triads into all-out war and the Dragons joined up with rival factions to fight them. The contempory Lotus minions were a Sorceror called Deng Pok Ma, his 4 loyal sons and a plethora of summoned mook demons called spawn.
- A jaunt to the netherworld to break into the darkness pagoda and steal Ming-Yi's favourite Bonsai! (the earth it was planted in was ridiculously magical and required to heal a sorcerous wound to Tenchu) This adventure also featured my mutant cyber-turkeys - sound stupid but nearly killed my PC's and were so much fun.
- Aliens crashed on a remote Japanese island! The dragons helped the little blue fellas escape the clutches of the Buro and the Lotus and fought their final battle agaoinst Deng Pok Ma and his sons (Traiterous Son No.5 turned up with his clan of Ninjas in a tense 3-way stand off). Much bluffing, back-stabbing and a last-minute escape.
- A 40' long iguana with gatling guns on its shoulders (Mecha -Igualord)
- Amnesiac adventures in Las Vegas.
- Kidnap rescues from a Beholder Gang boss in the Netherworld.
- A cursed hood which makes its wearer a nutso vigilante
- A halloween special when loads of dead bad guys turned up in our heros dreams and battled them in a giant playground for their bodies (by the way, this was a great idea. The good guys think they will never have to deal with hard-vanquished bad-guys again, and you already have their stats written up!)

There are many more. I'll be back....

From: prophet118 Posted on: 5/14/2004 10:39 am
To: IronJester76
Message: 251.11
in reply to: 251.10



i have yet to manage to keep a group..lol... real life keeps creeping in

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From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/14/2004 11:08 am
To: prophet118
Message: 251.12
in reply to: 251.11
It's true about real life - we basically took a year out while my friend started a family.

We started a side game for the two players who could regularly meet up with me (one of whom had the advantage of being my wife) based loosely on vampire the masquerade.

It allowed us to run 'episodes' outside the major secret war stories and there is a wealth of suitable source material for vampire/werewolf/wraith/world of darkness, etc. (World of Darkness: Hong Kong, Demon Hunter:X and the Kindred of the east are all especially good)

We've recently got the whole group back together again and now my fearless vampire killers don't want to leave their 'buffy' adventures behind! Who would be a GM?

From: prophet118 Posted on: 5/14/2004 12:24 pm
To: IronJester76
Message: 251.13
in reply to: 251.12



my problem of course, is that i am always expected to run...


also, another trouble i have, i have so many neat game books (different systems) that we sometimes get into the AHDH mentality (i can say that, i have it)... we shift games very regularly... which is frustrating to me...


oddly enough the one guy with ADHD (me) doesnt want to switch games that often... hehe

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