Here's some homebrew info I pulled off of the amazingly cool "Fortress of Shadow" website, before it closed down a year or so back. They make decent starting points. Guard/Attack Dog Bod 5 (Move 12), Chi 0, Mnd 1 (Per 12, Wil 6), Ref 6 (Dex 2) Attack 8 Bite does Str + 3 (8) damage. Shark Bod 9 (Move 10), Chi 0, Mnd 0 (Per 5*, Wil 5), Ref 6 (Dex 0) Attack 8 Bite does Str + 6 (15) damage. [*Per is 12 when blood is involved… and there will be blood...] Horse Bod 12, Chi 0, Mnd 0 (Per 5, Wil 2), Ref 6 (Dex 1) Attack 5 Kick/Rear does Str + 2 (14) damage. Bear Bod 14 (Move 7), Chi 0, Mnd 1 (Per 5, Wil 6), Ref 5 (Dex 3) Intimidation 12 Attack 8 Claw Swipe does Str + 3 (17) damage. Tiger Bod 11, Chi 0, Mnd 1 (Per 8, Wil 6), Ref 8 (Dex 3) Intimidation 12 Attack 12 Claw/Bite does Str + 3 (14) damage. Alligator/Crocodile Bod 9 (Tgh 10), Chi 0, Mnd 1 (Per 5, Wil 6), Ref 6 (Dex 2) Intimidation 12 Attack 8 Bite does Str + 4 (13) damage. Edited 7/13/2003 12:18:48 AM ET by Sensei (SENSEI22)
Edited 7/13/2003 12:03:06 PM ET by Sensei (SENSEI22)