Feng Shui New Blood, eh?
From: DarrinBright Posted on: 7/10/2003 10:12 am
Message: 260.1
Just saw the announcement about Blood of the Valiant... it's good to see this coming back into print.

Mr. Nephew, or someone else at Atlas... any more teasers on what the new material will be?

Also, were you able to include the missing monk colors from Back For Seconds?

From: Sensei Posted on: 2/5/2004 5:43 pm
To: DarrinBright
Message: 260.2
in reply to: 260.1
Missing Monk Color #6:

Plaid Monks
Bod:2 Mnd:5 Chi:3 (Fu:4) Ref:4

Generally ignored by the other monks of Quan Lo, the Plaid Monks take care of menial labor around the temples, such as grouting, sandal repair, and replacing the fly paper strips.

Discouraged from appearing in the workout areas, these monks have lower physical scores than their brethren, but their hours spent in front of C-SPAN and the Internet gives them a higher mental acuity.

Most Plaid Monks take Signature Weapons in the likes of 'Ball Point Pen', 'Protractor', or 'Floppy Disk' (thrown as Shuriken).

The PLAID PRINCIPLE: Developed by the Perfect Master Quan Lo after a night of way too much sake and a rerun of 'Canadian Lumberjack Championships' on ESPN2, this principle states that no matter how bad-ass the challenger, no one really wants to mess with a tiny guy in a plaid flannel kimono.