Ars Magica Ars Magica Updates & Amendments
From: SirParn Posted on: 7/13/2003 6:59 am
Message: 265.1
Hiya All !!:)

I was wondering if someone could help me, as a little while ago I came across a listing of some Updates and Amendments for Ars Magica & I am sure it was on the Atlas Games website, but I can’t seem to find it anymore, does anyone know if it is still available and where to look? I can’t say if it was just for the main book or for all the books Atlas Games have released for Ars Magica.

Many Thanks

Sir Parn, Prince of the Court of the Great White Oak, White Dragon Knight of France!!:)

From: Berengar Posted on: 7/13/2003 11:03 am
To: SirParn
Message: 265.2
in reply to: 265.1
The link is:

Atlas has basically two websites for Ars on The old one is still reachable under,

but is likely no longer maintained, while the new one is not encompassing all previous material.



From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/13/2003 11:11 am
To: Berengar
Message: 265.3
in reply to: 265.2
Since we switched to the new web design, we've been gradually getting everything from the old hooked up. Sooner or later, Will will get everything there online with the new pages. :)
From: Berengar Posted on: 7/14/2003 2:30 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 265.4
in reply to: 265.3
I imagine that it could help a lot to link the old Ars Magica main page,

from the new Ars Magica main page

while the website update is not yet complete.

This takes only ten minutes of work.

Kind regards,


Edited 7/14/2003 2:30:34 AM ET by Berengar
From: Hindmarch Posted on: 8/7/2003 3:22 pm
To: Berengar
Message: 265.5
in reply to: 265.4
Hi there,

I beg your pardon, but the Ars Magica errata page has always been a part of the new site. The bottom left box, entitled "Product Errata," contains the same information as the old "arm_errata" page. It is the very same content, transferred to the new page, and has been there since the site launched.

Thanks very much.

Will Hindmarch

Edited 8/7/2003 3:36:05 PM ET by Hindmarch
EDIT: I've added new text to the central Ars Magica page, to make the purpose of the Product Errata page a bit clearer.

Edited 8/7/2003 3:37:07 PM ET by Hindmarch
From: Berengar Posted on: 8/7/2003 4:47 pm
To: Hindmarch
Message: 265.6
in reply to: 265.5
//the Ars Magica errata page has always been a part of the new site//

Good to know, given that three regulars - including John Nephew, IIRC - had not noticed it.

That addresses part of my concern.

Has the site upgrade - again without me noticing - been completed over the last three months or so, too? Or are there still some parts reachable only via the old pages?
In the latter case my suggestion, to just link the old pages from the new ones until work is completed, still holds.

Kind regards,


From: Hindmarch Posted on: 8/7/2003 5:28 pm
To: Berengar
Message: 265.7
in reply to: 265.6
Hi there,

I'm sorry, I'm not sure what exactly you're getting at. Is there a particular feature of the old site which you're unable to find on the new site that I can either help you relocate or install anew for you?

There are no sections of the website which are intentionally accessible only via the old pages. The new site wasn't uploaded with the intent that visitors would ever be navigating a hybrid environment of old and new pages. That is, you aren't expected to be visiting the old pages at all any more. It sounds to me like you're thinking of specific resources that you'd like to see and currently aren't seeing, for whatever reason. If I can, I would like to help you find those.

At this point, the corrections, tweaks, and augmentations being made to the website are in a never-ending stage. The major phase of the overhaul -- the adjustment from the old, frames-driven site to the newer site -- has been completed. Troubleshooting, remodeling, and redecorating now happen as time permits and reports direct.

I have to admit that I'm finding it difficult to identify the tone of your messages, Berengar. John Nephew had not noticed the errata page, I imagine, because he seldom has need to visit it.


Edited 8/7/2003 5:30:08 PM ET by Hindmarch
From: John Nephew Posted on: 8/7/2003 7:22 pm
To: Hindmarch
Message: 265.8
in reply to: 265.7
Yeah, the website is an eternal work in progress. Every know and then I pop into Will's office to mention something I notice -- whether something that needs fixing (say, a broken link or a typo), or something I think might be improved or added. But I only stumble upon things by chance, usually when I'm looking for some link to send someone, or just idly poking around. It's very helpful to us if people post suggestions on these boards, since fans are probably looking at more of the website than I am, to be honest.

Heck, I don't even know a lot of the things that are on the website. Sometimes I say, "Hey, wouldn't it be great if we had this-or-that!" and I'm told, "Uh, we already do."

From: Berengar Posted on: 8/8/2003 2:21 am
To: Hindmarch
Message: 265.9
in reply to: 265.7
//Is there a particular feature of the old site which you're unable to find on the new site that I can either help you relocate or install anew for you?//

Last time I checked - could be entirely my problem - I was not able to find the old covenants project through the new web site.

Kind regards,


From: adumbratus Posted on: 8/8/2003 9:39 am
To: Berengar
Message: 265.10
in reply to: 265.9
Hi there,

simply put a link for
were it belongs to
and everybody should be happy.


From: Hindmarch Posted on: 8/8/2003 10:35 am
To: adumbratus
Message: 265.11
in reply to: 265.10
Hi there,

A link to the old Covenant's Project page does not "belong" there because the Covenants Project is now closed. I will happily make the ZIP files containing the two covenants available again on the Ars Magica downloads page, for your enjoyment. Thanks very much.


EDIT: Removed unnecessary commentary.

Edited 8/8/2003 10:36:43 AM ET by Hindmarch
From: Berengar Posted on: 8/10/2003 3:10 am
To: Hindmarch
Message: 265.12
in reply to: 265.11
//I will happily make the ZIP files containing the two covenants available again on the Ars Magica downloads page, for your enjoyment. Thanks very much.//

Five minutes ago I checked the old Ars Magica resources pages against the new Ars Magica downloads page, and found that once the covenants project, or at least its results, is moved indeed all older Ars Magica resources are accessible from the new site. So I happily take up with your proposal. Thanks a lot.

Kind regards,


From: Hindmarch Posted on: 8/11/2003 10:35 am
To: Berengar
Message: 265.13
in reply to: 265.12
Hi there,

My pleasure, sir. I'm sorry I didn't get those up on Friday. Good odds that'll get done today.
