Official Announcements Atlas Splits its Chances of Winning
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 7/16/2003 1:11 pm
Message: 267.1
The nominees for the prestigious Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming have been announced, and Atlas Games is pleased to receive two of the seven nominations for the award! Both Nyambe: African Adventures by Chris Dolunt and Unknown Armies 2nd Edition by Greg Stolze and John Tynes appear on the shortlist for the award, which will be presented at GenCon. The award's committee had the following nice things to say:

Nyambe: "Arguably the finest of the d20 System sourcebooks released last year, this book brought a mythic version of Africa directly to your fantasy roleplaying game, finally dragging it out of medieval Europe. In doing so, it highlighted the best part of the d20 System/Open Game License: the ability to bring fresh and original settings to a large audience."

Unknown Armies: "In its first edition, Unknown Armies relentless concentration on individual, personal responsibility and consequences, married to its inventive, original, and wholly American occult background, created an alchemical blend that energized personal horror gaming for the 21st century. The second edition is cleaner and sleeker than ever, making it even more accessible for players new to this gem."

For more info about Atlas Games and its products, visit
For information on the award, see