Ars Magica Laboratory specialized in affinity?
From: Freakwave Posted on: 7/22/2003 6:54 pm
Message: 269.1
Wizard's grimoire page 79 says that I can add affinity score. Does that mean to the total to build the laboratory, or to the specialization score? Or does the affinity only mean affinity with certain art, like ignem?

What if I have a affinity for, let's say, forests and forest animals, and my score at it is 2. Could I make a laboratory specializing in forests and forests animals with bonus or 3? Or how does it work.

Sorry for stating these things a bit confusing way, it's my incomprehensible flaw...errr, I mean, nationality.

From: mithriel Posted on: 7/23/2003 2:38 am
To: Freakwave
Message: 269.2
in reply to: 269.1
I don't have my book at work, but I think you're right when you say you may add an affinity in your total to build the lab.
From: Decallom Posted on: 7/30/2003 2:38 am
To: Freakwave
Message: 269.3
in reply to: 269.1
I have always read it to mean that you can create a specialty other than an Art or activity type if you have an affinity... Or I suppose one Could build a laboratory specialty on forest and forest animals (per your example) even without the affinity, but the affinity just gives you a bonus in creating such a specialty.

Hope that helps...

From: Berengar Posted on: 7/31/2003 2:26 am
To: Freakwave
Message: 269.4
in reply to: 269.1
Wizard's Grimoire p. 79 states, that a magus can specialize a laboratory in any Affinity he possesses, and in that case can add his Affinity also to the Lab Total for laboratory improvement, as defined in Wizard's Grimoire p. 76.

Specializing a lab in an Affinity means, that the lab's specialization bonus in that Affinity, as defined on p. 79, is added to all activities in the lab which are related to that Affinity.
The same specialization bonus is subtracted from the rolls for all other activity in it.

So a magus will benefit from specializing a lab in 'Forest and Forest Animals' only, if most of his work in that lab is related to 'Forest and Forest Animals'.

And no, a magus does not get to add his Affinity score also to the lab's specialization bonus - effectively adding it twice to his Affinity related Lab Totals. Nice try, though ...

