Feng Shui Two other questions
From: Ovronnaz Posted on: 8/1/2003 10:16 am
Message: 272.1

Everything seems to be coming softly. I'll be running the adventure in the Atlas books, which is simple enough to be run on a one (albeit a bit long) shot. My first question is more about spending experience points, which might not happen but I have to ask.
Let's say I'm creating a Killer and I put some point in my Reflexes so that I've got 8. My gun skill is still 15 because Guns +10 (=15). After a couple of games, I intend to raise my Guns skill by one. What's happening? Do I get the 3 points I lacked before?
My next questions is about stats. Do your character spend XPs more on stats, schticks or skills? I'm not sure if I should let them be attuned to a feng shui site.



Edited 8/1/2003 12:32:59 PM ET by OVRONNAZ
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 8/3/2003 11:35 am
To: Ovronnaz
Message: 272.2
in reply to: 272.1
On the first point, all points "unspent" or unused in creation are lost after creation. They're gone, end of story. Some GMs let players use the excess points from those kind of changes on Info skills. Some even let them be used as additional skill points, but that can be excessive with those archetypes who already have a lot of skills.

On the second if I'm attune I go straight for the stat improvements. Takes a little longer, but far more effective than just improving a skill (especially reflexes which affects Martial Arts and Guns, as well as Driving and Intrusion). But the game is predicated on some level of attunement, otherwise characters advance slower than intended. Especially as the action hots up and they start making powerful enemies.

From: Queex Posted on: 8/4/2003 5:50 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 272.3
in reply to: 272.2
I think the most campaigns generally have one feng shui site for the player group; to give them a base of operations and something to defend.

Players pumping up stats doesn't unbalance the game too much; as it gets expensive, but you probably want to manage them so that the non-combat characters become even less effective in fights.

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 8/4/2003 4:24 pm
To: Queex
Message: 272.4
in reply to: 272.3
If I was running a FS game, I think I'd award extra XP for possessing Feng Shui sites, but not allow stat improvement. It's much more powerful (for the XP price) than buying up skills or schticks.
From: Ovronnaz Posted on: 8/7/2003 10:51 am
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 272.5
in reply to: 272.2
Okay, all points are lost. So, suppose we've got this martial artist (ref 5) Martial arts + 10 (=15). I pump his ref by 3 points. I now have Ref 8, same martial arts. So you consider that the character should now inscribe Ref 8 Martial Arts +7 (=15)? That's the only logical way I can see this, and the points get transferred to other skills. Is that it?
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 8/7/2003 11:09 am
To: Ovronnaz
Message: 272.6
in reply to: 272.5
Yes. That's exactly it. The result is =15, regardless of how you come to it, so you just tweak the skill modifier to make it work. As I said, some GMs might allow those points to be spent elsewhere, but the official "rule" is that they are lost.