Ars Magica Sorcerer's Slave
From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: 8/12/2003 9:15 am
Message: 276.1
I just read that Atlas has finally sold out of Sorcerer’s Slave. That's a heck of a long time to hold on to some books (14 years?). As someone who benefited by purchasing a new copy of Sorcerer's Slave in 1999 I'd like to say thanks for keeping the book around for such a long time rather than sending it to be recycled.
From: W23Goddess Posted on: 8/12/2003 9:55 am
Message: 276.2
in reply to: 276.1
And just in case anyone is thinking "Argh, I can't believe I missed my chance to buy a copy!", Warehouse 23 still has a very few left.

Michelle Barrett
Warehouse 23 Manager
Steve Jackson Games
From: John Nephew Posted on: 8/12/2003 5:05 pm
To: erik_tyrrell
Message: 276.3
in reply to: 276.1
What's funny is that it was out of print once before.

When our license from White Wolf (which was inherited from Lion Rampant, with whom we'd originally made the arrangement) expired, we had a window of time to dispose of remaining inventory. We sold off most of the Ars stuff we had left at steep discounts, therefore, back in 1993 or so.

Fast forward three years, and we were the owners of Ars Magica itself. A couple of stray cartons of the old licensed adventures turned up among stuff we'd hauled up from the garages down in Northfield where I used to keep Atlas inventory, and as the games owners we were able to put them back on sale again.

I suspect that most distributors and retailers never restocked the items, however -- they just left them as out of print. So sales were not especially huge. They did sell down, though. Now all we have left from that era are a few copies of Trial by, of course, the stock that remains at Warehouse 23.