Feng Shui Feng Shui Real Estate Brokers?
From: Sensei Posted on: 8/15/2003 1:39 pm
Message: 277.1
Hey, out of curiosity, how have you GMs had your PCs qualify for "ownership" of a site so they are eligible to attune to it? And how often do you make them defend those sites against incursions?

The rules make it clear that just shooting up the guys who already own a site doesn't grant you any ownership of the site, so you can't just go in gunning, then meditate for a while and WHAMO! have a site. So, what kinda' hoops, if any, did your PCs jump through first?

And do all your sites give extra XP, or do you use some of the variant powers instead? (Like, maybe being attuned to a certain site heals mutation points instead of giving XP.) Any cool ideas you've used for alternate site benefits?

Edited 8/15/2003 1:45:27 PM ET by Sensei (SENSEI22)
From: Queex Posted on: 8/16/2003 9:08 am
To: Sensei
Message: 277.2
in reply to: 277.1
Well, the party took legal ownership of a club and concerned themselves with the running of it. Over time more names started appearing on the ownership papers (as the friendly Uberkid made sure everyone who joined the party got a slice of the pie). They hired a Bodyguard as a bouncer. It even gave a good reason for characters not to participate in every adventure; they had to mind the club.

Of course, it was a fetish club with a strict dress code. So the party got a bonus to either Intimidation or Seduction, depending on the target. Plus the Abomination didn't look too out of place with all the patrons in cyber gear.

Ever had one of those throwaway, moment of impulse jokes come back to haunt you?