Ars Magica ArsM system in other genres
From: Dievs Posted on: 8/26/2003 5:12 am
Message: 284.1
I and my players have been rather impressed with ArsM character generation and advancement system, although the setting doesn't fit our needs.
We have sucessfully used the system for a historical non-magical campaign, and for a generic fantasy one with good results. The combat works well enough with Ordo Nobilis, and the magic is good and flexible, though a bit hard to manage it's power.

Now I would like to run a whodunnit/CoC style game, and I really would like to use the Virtue/Flaw generation system, and and the ArsM skill advancement also fits my ideas better than any other system that I have seen.
Slow advancement, training for skills, deadliness of combat, realistic things all around, guidelines for mystic powers - the system feels well suited for a modern dark fantasy, detective and horror genres.

Of course, the setting is about as far from canon ArsM as it could be, but I really like the principles and would like to use it instead of d20 or GURPS or BRP.

So, the following questions :
Has anybody made or seen a Virtue/Flaw list tailored for more modern times ?
Any suggestions for combat rules for firearms (skill + damage stress roll kind of fits my expectations for firearms, but that would need testing) ?
For skills I already had prepared a list for a d20 homebrew game, using d20 CoC and d20 StarWars, and adding weapon groups, and have a feeling that it would work well with ArsM skill advancement, so Virtues/Flaws would be my main problem.

Or should I scrap this altogether and some other AtlasGames product has already done all this ? Feng Shui seems way too overpowered for the feeling I want to achieve. Does Unknown Armies use the same character generation/advencement principles as ArsM ? If not, then I would probably like our group to stick with ArsM rules as they are universal and generic enough for that.

From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 8/26/2003 5:24 pm
To: Dievs
Message: 284.2
in reply to: 284.1
I'd check out RedCap ( and look for the Ars Moderna (or whatever its called).

Unknown Armies is very different to Ars Magica, so it's probably not what you are looking for (although it is very good). If you can find it, Over the Edge, by Atlas Games (written by John Tweet, co-creator of Ars Magica and DnD3e) is generic enough that you'd easily be able to port Ars Magica magic to it.

RedCap is your best bet though.
