Ars Magica New Beta for Metacreator/Ars Magica
From: bkvam Posted on: 8/31/2003 11:50 pm
Message: 285.1
Beta version 3.2.6 of the Ars Magica template for Metacreator is now available. This is a major revision of Ars Magica and includes new templates for Creatures and Covenants, as well as ability to print the full text of most spells with a grimoire. Further details are below.

If you already own Metacreator and Ars Magica you can obtain the update at Click the Beta Test link.

To use this beta release you must already have a copy of Metacreator and the Ars Magica game system template. If you don't already own the application you can buy it and download the update and upgrade immediately to the new release.

Remember that this is a beta test and there may be a few problems.
Please direct any questions or report any issues to Your input is very important.

Ars Magica Game System Template Changes

* Additional data from Land of Fire and Ice and The Black Monks of
* Added a new spell summary print template and filter,
ArsMagicaSpellDesc.prt and ArsMagicaSpellDesc.flt, which include
the entire text of the spell descriptions.
* Added the covenant sheet, ArsMagicaCovenant.cst, for creating
* Added the creature character sheet, ArsMagicaCreature.cst, for creating
creatures and other characters that don't follow the standard rules.
* Added the creature data sheet for creature and powers from the Bestiary.
* Include the '+' when displaying positive characteristic values in the filters.
* Added ability to select the covenant for the character, as well as
the lab in that covenant used for lab work.
* Added ability to write commentaries and glosses from The Wizard's Grimoire.
* Option for Ordo Nobilis combat encumbrance.
* Option for using the lower of Ride and a weapon skill in mounted combat
(from Ordo Nobilis).
* Added Mounted Combat option so that individual weapons can be specified
to be for mounted combat.
* Option for Shield and Weapon instead of Single Weapon (Ordo Nobilis).
* Include formulae summary for Mystic Companions in notes.
* Added armor components for Ordo Nobilis.
* Use "class" of weapon to determine the specialization of a weapon skill,
instead of the weapon name. This allows a weapon named "Quality Longsword"
to receive the specialty bonus for Longsword (as long as the class is set
to Longsword).
* Fixed a problem with Flawless Magic not displaying spell names consistently.
* Changed the way Quality Armaments works for armor. If the character has the
Virtue, any armor added is marked as Quality Armor and any weapons are marked
as Quality Arms.
* Corrected effective level of Charms against Magic, which were too powerful
(per David Chart).
* Fixed bug that prevented writing tractati for spells when character has
flawless magic.
* Allow exact number of points to be entered for Exposure experience points.
* Added a preferences setting for awarding experience to abilities such as
Concentration, Scribe and Magic Theory when studying books, writing books
and doing lab work.
* Changed the Configuration dialog to specify the number of body wounds and
fatigue at each level, allowing greater customization of characters -- you
can specify any number of wounds or fatigue at each level.
* Added preference toggle for awarding experience for skills such as
Concentration and Magic Theory when performing character advancement
* Display Faith points when a character has the True Faith Virtue.

From: marklawford Posted on: 9/5/2003 6:11 am
To: bkvam
Message: 285.2
in reply to: 285.1
Installed the update and it all looks great. A few file conversions and everything works great.

I couldn't find out how to convert the data sheets that I had set up, but reckoning that the front end works the same across the versions, I just copied the stuff I needed in my custom data sheet and pasted it into a new template. That's the only bit that needed any thought.

Our covenant finally has stats and makes some kind of sense. I never did fully understand those rules and now it looks like I don't need to, which is nice.

I'll be playing around with combat values and creatures tonight I think.

Thanks Bruce.

From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 9/5/2003 8:08 am
To: marklawford
Message: 285.3
in reply to: 285.2
Will Alterego be doing an Ars 5 character generator software package?

I think that would be neat, and not that hard, given that from all accounts, Ars 5 will have no major changes to the basic structures of the game (ie, not a huge amount would need to be changed regarding nature of abilities, characteristics, virtues, flaws, etc).


From: marklawford Posted on: 9/5/2003 8:16 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 285.4
in reply to: 285.3
So, do I take it then that there is word on Ars 5?

I'm not on the berklist, which is where I understand word is getting around. Are there any hints as to what we can expect from ars 5 that can be posted over here?


From: Al3xWhite Posted on: 9/9/2003 4:52 pm
To: marklawford
Message: 285.5
in reply to: 285.4
There is. From all accounts, it it due out late 2004.


From: John Nephew Posted on: 9/10/2003 1:35 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 285.6
in reply to: 285.5
Ars 5 is in playtesting. Third round of playtesting, I think. There will be more, too. We're not rushing it. :)

I hope that Metacreator will be available for ArM5 as well, but I can't speak for Alter Ego. I would expect it all depends on how well the ArM4 version is doing for them (and the new upgrades are all a very good sign -- personally, I'm especially psyched about being able to print out your spells now). Even with a ArM5 Metacreator, though, I hope the ArM4 version will stay available for players who don't upgrade (or who rely on the continuing-to-be-free download rulebook of 4th ed).

Speaking of which, those downloads just keep going. I haven't counted lately, but some time back it passed 10,000 downloads and was still going at the hundreds-near-1000 per month rate. Here's hoping a bunch of new players are coming out of all that.

From: bkvam Posted on: 9/12/2003 12:18 am
To: Al3xWhite
Message: 285.7
in reply to: 285.3
We are planning to do an Ars Magica 5 template, but we haven't seen the new rules yet, so we can't really comment on availability, etc.
From: GaRy Posted on: 9/13/2003 8:21 am
To: bkvam
Message: 285.8
in reply to: 285.7
An interesting point on the Data Files is that they still have I lot of missing information in terms of the Errata corrections and minor afinities that are lists with the body of the rules (especially in Mysteries) Can't comment on the later books as I don't have access to them.

Over all I would say the Beta is an improvement. There are still a few features on the character sheets I would like to see (like a feww automatic add ups on bonuses in some places as well as listing the equations).

Having the spells on the sheets is great.
The improvement for Mystic Companions, and creator sheets was a vast boon.
The covenant rules was interesting. But considered that it is agreed that this Section of ArM4 is only half finished, this really was a waste of development effort (sorry). Yes it works. but its really only a guide for StoryGuide use as I see it.

Overall is it worth it. - Yes.
Would I recommended - Yes.

Although a handy FAQ on "how do I convert from 2 to 3", would have been very helpful.

Also good to see a lot of the core code in the data and script files hasn't changed, this made reapplicaton of out in hour modifications reall easy to apply.



From: bkvam Posted on: 9/15/2003 12:11 pm
To: GaRy
Message: 285.9
in reply to: 285.8
If you're aware of corrections that should be made, please let us know at, or report them on the website,


Edited 9/15/2003 12:14:19 PM ET by BKVAM