Official Announcements Dungeoneer Reaches the Atlas Games Wareh
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 10/24/2003 5:16 pm
Message: 304.1
Dungeoneer Reaches the Atlas Games Warehouse ...
Special Ops Demo Team Rejoices!

The much-anticipated second edition of Thomas Denmark's Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord, and its first sequel Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends, have arrived at the Atlas Games warehouse, and should be shipping to US distributors on Monday, October 27th. That means Dungeoneer will be in stores at the beginning of November, right in time for the holiday gift-giving season. Hurrah!

In celebration of Dungeoneer's arrival, John Nephew has gone crazy and loosened up the purse strings. Any Special Ops demo team member who runs a demo of Dungeoneer between now and December 25th will receive DOUBLE the normal Hazard Pay points ... that's 10 points per hour of demo time rather than the normal 5 points that Special Ops members earn for running Atlas card games, board games, and RPGs. To join Special Ops, fill out and return the Special Ops Application form located at . To request that a demo of Dungeoneer be held in your store, fill out and return the Demo Request Form at the bottom of the same page.

Also, look for an exclusive interview with Dungeoneer designer and artist Thomas Denmark in December's issue of Game Trade Magazine, and for our Dungeoneer ad in the fall 2003 Games Quarterly catalog.

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

Edited 10/24/2003 5:18:50 PM ET by Michelle Nephew (MNEPHEW)