Just out of curiosity, how do you guys handle wealth in the game? According to the rules, "rich" archetypes can pretty much get ahold of anything they need, cuz they've got the yen for it. But it seems like as soon as one Rich wealth level PC joins the group, it's irrelevent that nobody else is rich. I mean, the rich guy can supply every other PC with anything they need. Perhaps in your campaigns this isn't a consideration, but I find it peculiar to have wealth levels at all if even one PC is 'rich'. Does anyone use some sort of generic Difficulty scale to see if items are available to rich folk? I'm sure weapons and equipment would be a snap for a rich character, but what about buying a yacht with a bathesphere? Can they get one of these on the spur of the moment just because they're rich? How rich does one need to be to find a bathephere-ready yacht for sale within 3 hours? So, does everyone just wing it, or do you allow anything at all to be available to rich PCs, or what? Curiously, - C