Feng Shui Creation Question
From: Yorth Posted on: 11/24/2003 4:14 am
Message: 309.1
Hi all!!!
I'm a new GM and my game just started: I've never read a rulebook so good and it was a real fun to read!
Now I've a question: one of the player has chosen a Thief and the starting type has Chi 0 (For 3). What happens if the player rises with free points Chi to 3? Has the character Chi 3 (For 6) or simply Chi 3?


From: Queex Posted on: 11/24/2003 5:12 am
To: Yorth
Message: 309.2
in reply to: 309.1
For stays at 3. Attributes at character creation tend to follow the same rules as when raising them through XP. When you increase a primary attributes, secondaries associated with it that are higher stay the same, and secondaries lower or the same increase by the same amount.

So, unless your thief plans to buy Fu schticks in future, or get some magic based skill, it's probably not a good use of points at chracter creation. It's very cheap to buy your first few points of Fortune, anyway.