Ars Magica Checklist of ALL the Ars Magica books...
From: TheWhiteHand Posted on: 11/25/2003 3:49 pm
Message: 311.1

I am working on compiling a complete list of all books / source material printed for Ars Magica over the years. I have seen pockets of this information in various places, but still haven't been able to locate a complete list. The list on at the Atlus site is CLOSE, but not complete. Before I got to far along, however, I had a couple of questions.

First off, does this list exist somewhere else? Before I start redoing what you all have done over the last 10 years, I want to make sure I can't just snarf it off someone else! :-)

Second, does anyone have a list of any of the books NOT reprinted in 4th edition, or any of the books that had different (missing) content in the 4th edition printing versus the earlier printing?

Thanks for your help everyone. I am starting to poke around eBay and such to locate the books, and hope to get a Saga started after the beginning of the year. Lots to read and plan before then! :-)

Rob Harris

P.S. There was never an Ars Magica novel, was there? If ever there was a game suited to a novel, it seems like this would be one! :-)

From: Styren Posted on: 11/25/2003 5:21 pm
To: TheWhiteHand
Message: 311.2
in reply to: 311.1
Check the Redcap FAQ:

From: TheWhiteHand Posted on: 11/27/2003 1:18 am
To: Styren
Message: 311.3
in reply to: 311.2

Man, is just the answer to all of my questions, or what? ;-) Anyways, I have put together the list below of all the official books* based on the lists and reviews on that site, the new material printed by Atlas since the FAQ was last updated, and some advice from other. If you could review my list below and tell me:

a) What I am still missing (if anything)
b) What books I have placed in the wrong category (personal opinoins gladly accepted)

Also, I noticed that several of the books are now out under an Atlas Stock Number. Were these versions of the book reprinted and updated to 4th Edition stats (thereby superceeding the previous versions), or are they just straight reprints of the original material with just the bottom stock number and company log adjusted?

Anyways, on with the list. Thanks again for all your help everyone! Hope to hear from you soon...

Rob Harris

* I haven't tried to compile a list of all the fanzines and unoffical support publications. That comes later! :-)

Essential for the Game or Setting:
AG0204 Ars Magica Forth Edition
WOC1120 Houses of Hermes
LR1020 Order of Hermes
AG0265 The Mysteries
WOC1110 Faeries (Second Edition)
AG0263 Ordo Nobilis
AG0258 The Wizard's Grimore: Revised Edition
WW0600 Mythic Europe
WW1500 The Medieval Handbook

Good Reading about Background and Setting:
WW1021 Pax Dei
WW1019 The Maleficium
AG0254 A Medieval Tapestry: Personalities of Mythic Europe
WW0751 Tribunals of Hermes: Rome
WW0750 Tribunals of Hermes: Iberia
WW1150 Lion of the North: The Loch Leglean Tribunal
AG0262 Heirs to Merlin: The Stonehenge Tribunal
AG2069 Blood and Sand: The Tribunal of the Levant
AG0261 Ultima Thule: Mythic Scandinavia
AG2070 Land of Fire and Ice
AG0267 Sanctuary of Ice: The Greater Alpine Tribunal
AG0260 The Dragon and the Bear
AG0259 The Mythic Seas
WW1016 Mythic Places
WW1018 More Mythic Places
AG0266 The Medieval Bestiary: Revised Edition
AG0255 Kabbalah: Mythic Judaism
AG0252 Hedge Magic
WW0902 Mistridge
AG0264 Triamore: The Covenant at Lucien's Folly
AG3010 Tales of the Dark Ages
AG3040 South of the Sun

Maybe useful... Maybe not:
LR1010 Covenants
LR0810 Broken Covenant of Calebais (2nd Edition)
LR0501 The Tempest
LR0800 The Bats of Mercille
AG3025 Trial by Fire
AG3020 The Sorcerer's Slave
WW0503 Twelfth Night
WW0500 A Midsummer's Night's Dreams
WW0811 Deadly Legacy
WW0813 Black Death
WW0812 The Pact of Pasaquine
WW0802 Jump-Stat Kit: The Stormrider
WW0502 A Winter's Tale
AG3402 Black Monks of Glastonbury
AG0268 The Bishop's Staff
AG0257 Festival of the Damned: Anniversary Edition
AG0256 Return of the Stormrider
AG0253 The Fallen Angel
AG0251 Parma Fabula: The Ars Magica Storyguide Screen
WW0250 Hidden Paths: Shamans

Reprints, with SOME non-reprinted information:
LR0201 Ars Magica Revised Edition (2nd Edition)
WW0203 Ars Magica Third Edition
WW1017 Medieval Bestiary (first edition)

Clearly useless reprinted superseded by the newest version:
LR0901 Saga Pack
LR0801 Jump Start Kit: The Stormrider
LR0810 Broken Covenant of Calebais (1st Edition)
LR0202 Ars Magica First Edition
AG3035 Festival of the Damned
WW0660 The Wizard's Grimoire
WW0204 Storyguide's Screen
WW1015 Faeries (1st Edition)

From: Ed9C Posted on: 11/28/2003 11:52 am
To: TheWhiteHand
Message: 311.4
in reply to: 311.3
You may want to move this one up a bit...
LR1010 Covenants

As it has the best coverage of covenant creation.


From: Styren Posted on: 11/28/2003 3:47 pm
To: TheWhiteHand
Message: 311.5
in reply to: 311.3
You can also move Faeries 1st ed. one up.
From: TheWhiteHand Posted on: 11/28/2003 3:52 pm
To: Styren
Message: 311.6
in reply to: 311.5
Really? The 1st Edition of Faeries has information / background not in the 2nd Edition? Hmmm... I didn't know that. What is it?

Rob Harris

From: Styren Posted on: 11/28/2003 3:57 pm
To: TheWhiteHand
Message: 311.7
in reply to: 311.6
Four scenarios (two of them first published in White Wolf) and bits and pieces (for example, the Faerie Realms).
From: John Nephew Posted on: 11/28/2003 11:08 pm
To: TheWhiteHand
Message: 311.8
in reply to: 311.3
> Also, I noticed that several of the books are now out under an
> Atlas Stock Number. Were these versions of the book reprinted
> and updated to 4th Edition stats (thereby superceeding the
> previous versions), or are they just straight reprints of the
> original material with just the bottom stock number and
> company log adjusted?

Neither. We have reprinted no books published by previous publishers. We have, however, continued to sell books that were published by WotC or White Wolf.

If a product seems to have two stock numbers that differ only by prefix -- e.g., AG1120 and WOC1120 -- they are the very same book.

Retailers and distributors need stock code systems to organize titles, and to know where to order a title. If they still listed Houses of Hermes as WOC1120, then people in their organizations would wind up trying to submit purchase orders to Wizards of the Coast -- and would be told the product doesn't exist. Having AG as the prefix (or ATG as it often appears in the three-character system used by most distributors) tells them that Atlas Games is the source of the product.

So when we acquired the product line, we replaced the WOC or WW code with AG, and kept the rest of the number (so people knew it was the very same book). Distributors went through their inventory computers and reassigned the AG prefix to all the previous WOC stock numbers. The actual books, however, still have the original stock numbers and prefixes. So yes, the White Wolf era books that we sell were the very books printed by White Wolf in 1993 and before, still available (though more of them run out of print every year).

All Atlas books published since 4th edition (except Black Monks, which is in the Coriolis line and thus as an AG34XX code) have stock codes starting AG02, with two more digits. We started with AG0251 (Parma Fabula) and then just kept going. Faerie Stories, shipping on Monday, is AG0271, making it the 21st book released since 4th edition itself. (0267, Sanctuary of Ice, was out of order, since it came out two years late, but otherwise the numbers are chronological as far as I remember.)

-John Nephew
President, Atlas Games

From: erik_tyrrell Posted on: 1/19/2004 2:12 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 311.9
in reply to: 311.8
I would move the Mythic Europe book down a notch. Most of the information in it is covered (though not reprinted) elsewhere (much of it in Ordo Noblis).