Feng Shui Attunement
From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 11/30/2003 10:26 am
Message: 314.1
How do you describe "being attuned to a Feng Shui site" or the rituals for attunement to your players?



From: Sensei Posted on: 11/30/2003 1:22 pm
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 314.2
in reply to: 314.1
I'd asked a similar question back in August, but received only one post (see the "Feng Shui Real Estate Brokers" thread in this forum), so apparently not too many people have an opinion on describing this.

As far as attuning, I actually would have my -players- figure out a cool montage of activities that they felt would be appropriate for the site they're attuning to. (Let them do some of the work.) For example, if they're attuning to a natural outdoor site, they should care for the plants, remove dead foliage, clear trash, etc. Then a long meditation session, perhaps with a short prayer or ceremony from their Chinese Gardener feng shui expert PC.