Ars Magica Spell design
From: Njordi Posted on: 12/20/2003 9:44 pm
Message: 318.1
Our group came across a perplexing dilemma, while discussing a new spell some of us meant the Merinita mage of our covenant should take upon himself to make.

How do you decide the vis boosted range/duration/target of a spell that you design yourself?

There does seem to be a sort of tech/form default for most of the combinations, but is there a standard here? It seems rather exploitable if there isn't...
What's to stop you from having vis boosted duration of permanent for all your new invented low level spells. Ok they can be despelled more easily, but still.

Isn't this covered by the rules?
How do you play this?

From: spuwdsda2 Posted on: 12/21/2003 4:25 am
To: Njordi
Message: 318.2
in reply to: 318.1

There are no rules. It is a SG call.

Look at the rulebook spells, wave your arms about and make a decision. This is what the original authors did.

- David W

From: Berengar Posted on: 12/30/2003 4:42 am
To: Njordi
Message: 318.3
in reply to: 318.1
//What's to stop you from having vis boosted duration of permanent for all your new invented low level spells.//

The ArM4 designers knew - most of the time - that they remodeled the spells of an already existing campaign world with new rules, so they put an explicit caveat on ArM4 p.105: "The storyguide may always intervene and declare that a certain combination of range, duration, target and effect warrants a higher or lower level than that described by the guidelines and the system above." This should be applied especially where the spell design rules are scarce, of course.

You find the existing guidelines relative to the boosting of Ranges or Durations with Vis together with the other guidelines for a specific Technique and Form.
So if the new spell your Merinita designs were Creo Animal, you had the guidelines of ArM4 p. 107: "... basic duration is Sun, but vis boosting generally raises this to Instant, except for magical creatures ... where the duration is raised to Permanent" and so forth.
If it were Muto Animal, you would find no such explicit guidelines. You can derive some from the existing spells, of course, where all boosted durations of spells with basic Duration Sun become Instant or Permanent. This shows that the Creo Animal guideline basically carries over.

If you now consider how often even widely known and used spells have been reinvented by Magi without access to copies of them, implicitly weeding out weaknesses in spell design, you find a good argument for explaining to your players, why the boosted Duration of a given spell effect with given non-boosted Duration from ArM4 is already maximized.

All the above applies - mutatis mutandis - of course also to Range boosting.

Kind regards,
