Feng Shui The Battle for Las Vegas
From: Master_Kiero Posted on: 12/24/2003 4:35 am
Message: 319.1

Something a forumer over at RPGNet and myself came up with, a pretty cool scenario.

From: Sensei Posted on: 12/28/2003 6:28 pm
To: Master_Kiero
Message: 319.2
in reply to: 319.1
Bizarre that you mention casinos and feng shui, because yesterday I was pondering the significance of the native Americans' lot in the modern United States and the world of Feng Shui.

They've been moved all over since the coming of Europeans to the continent, meaning in game terms that they're pretty much stripped of most the the feng shui sites in North America. They've been stuck on reservations, which the Ascended would have originally made sure were worthless, but some tribes have managed to alter the flow of ch'i by running casinos to draw the powers of feng shui from others. (Losing wealth in casinos = metaphorically losing ch'i to the owners.)

The Ascended are not only irritated that the natives are drawing off their ch'i, but are also wary because the spirituality of the native American beliefs are akin to magic. An authentic Navajo shaman, with his nature magic could muster the spells to change a Transformed Animal back into its fuzzy former self.

So here I am considering the possibilites for an adventure centered on casinos and native American interests, and lo and behold this whole shpiel on Las Vegas' background! Great minds, I tell you...