Feng Shui aiming and slo-mo vengeance
From: eXceL111 Posted on: 1/2/2004 6:21 am
Message: 321.1
(Slo-mo Vengeance was introduced in Gorilla warfare)

What is the difference? As far as I can see, both do the same thing: you wait a few shots (up to 3 for aiming or the number of schticks for Slo-mo vengeance) to get a bonus to your AV equal to this number of shots. Except that aiming does not cost you any schticks to get!

From: Amertes Posted on: 1/2/2004 11:46 am
To: eXceL111
Message: 321.2
in reply to: 321.1
Well, here's my interpretation. It's reads in Gorilla Warfare that Slo Mo Vengeance allows a character to forgo an action for the +1 AV, which is the same as aim. However, Slo Mo Vengenace allows you to dodge too, which isn't in the description of aim. So I guess the difference would be you can still dodge with the schtick and if you're caught aiming you only have your passive defense score?

Any other interpretations?


From: Sensei Posted on: 1/2/2004 4:24 pm
To: Amertes
Message: 321.3
in reply to: 321.2
I'd just emphasize the fact that the Slo Mo schtick allows you to get more AV bonuses than Aim does. There's no theoretical limit to the Slo Mo bonuses if you want to keep buying extra levels in the schtick, while aiming allows a maximum of +3 AV.

So while you need to pay for the Slo Mo schticks, sure, that means it's possible for someone with high Speed (thus initiative) to dodge around for, say, 7 shots, and get a serious AV bonus. Which, of course, translates to more Outcome damage. Which can drop a Named NPC quickly.

Also, just to play Devil's advocate...
It doesn't specifically mention anywhere that Slo Mo and aiming were mutually exclusive... Yikes! [Now, *I'd* rule that the two couldn't be combined, but that's not a fact stated in the rules.]

Edited 1/2/2004 4:28:54 PM ET by Sensei (SENSEI22)
From: Queex Posted on: 1/7/2004 7:14 am
To: Sensei
Message: 321.4
in reply to: 321.3
Plus aiming implies that you are doing something (such as sighting down the gun barrel or watching a mirror to see your enemy). Slo Mo Vengeneance just says you forego an action. So- You can be sitting quietly in a laundry basket, shotgun across your knees, thinking happy thoughts and hearing the bad guy step nearer- then he opens the basket and WHAM +3 AV bonus.