Feng Shui Happy new year to all dragons
From: eXceL111 Posted on: 1/2/2004 9:04 am
Message: 322.1
Well this year starts with good news and bad news.

The bad news is that there is no Feng Shui product in Atlas Games 10 bes sales of the year (either in unit or dollar) despite some new publications in 2003. It never bodes well for a product line

The good news is that there appears to be a new book in the works after Iron & Silk already. Hope it IS announced soon. Thank you Atlas Games!

Happy new year to everybody (yeah, even to those from other factions, who would I be beating in 2004 otherwise).

From: Amertes Posted on: 1/2/2004 11:51 am
To: eXceL111
Message: 322.2
in reply to: 322.1
And a Happy New Year to you too!

It's a bummer that no Feng Shui product made Atlas' top ten products for '03. From the number of posts on this board, and the number of emails from the Feng Shui list (i haven't gotten anything from that list in awhile, kind of wondering if that's a technical problem on my end) it doesn't seem like Feng Shui has a large following. That is, of course, based on completely unscientific observations.

But I'm glad Atlas is sticking with the game! The new book "Friends of Dragons" sound sweet, and I"m also looking forward to Iron and Silk. Here's to 2004!


From: John Nephew Posted on: 1/2/2004 9:47 pm
To: eXceL111
Message: 322.3
in reply to: 322.1
Howdy, folks.

Check our blog (http://atlasgames.blogspot.com takes you right there) for the description of FRIENDS OF THE DRAGON, which will be the second Feng Shui release of 2004.

It's worth remembering that we only had three Feng Shui releases in 2003, and two of them were essentially reprints (Thorns of the Lotus and Blood of the Valiant). And with card games racing up to the top of the charts, and 21 new releases total in the year, there wasn't much room in the top 10 for a lot of worthy titles.

We should have at least three, and I am hoping for four, books for Feng Shui in 2004. In general, we're aiming at smaller, less expensive books ($20 and under), with more broad appeal (i.e., things that players will find useful enough to buy, not just GMs). We may finally getting around to blowing up a certain city, though. :-)

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 1/3/2004 1:45 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 322.4
in reply to: 322.3
Very very cool.
From: ve6neo Posted on: 1/4/2004 5:16 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 322.5
in reply to: 322.3
Blowing up a certain city?!

Hong Kong, New York, Las Vegas, Tokyo, London, Rome, Moscow, where do you begin! And that's without throwing in Toronto or Vancouver (we always throw in obligatory Canadian Content once in a Series).

Looking forward to more Feng Shui in the New Year.

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 1/5/2004 9:19 am
To: ve6neo
Message: 322.6
in reply to: 322.5
We're finally going to blow up Hong Kong.


Edited 1/5/2004 9:19:45 AM ET by Bob the Dancing Monkey (BOBMONKEY)
From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 1/5/2004 6:15 pm
To: ve6neo
Message: 322.7
in reply to: 322.5
Neil, "Blowing Up Hong Kong" was the title of a book that was originally going to be published by Daedalus (when they first released the game). So it's sort of a "long-lost" title.
From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 1/6/2004 8:44 am
Message: 322.8
in reply to: 322.7
Indeed. It's the last of the original 'promised books' that Daedalus couldn't do - each time these have appeared has been a moment of much jubilation.

This one especially pleases me. Although Atlas has moved slightly away from HK action films so to embrace the greater action genre, Feng Shui has appealed most to me as a game where _I_ can be 'The Killer' or 'The God of Gamblers' or even the cook from 'Shaolin Soccer' - ass-kicking, good-doing-but-at-what-price characters of Asian cinema. However, like most bloody Yankees, I really don't have that clear of a conception of Hong Kong at the turn of the century. But I want it. I want my gang of PCs fighting over the rooftops of Kowloon. And 'Blowing Up Hong Kong', hopefully, will allow me to do just that.

From: ve6neo Posted on: 1/6/2004 10:02 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 322.9
in reply to: 322.8
Thanks for the filling in Cam. I can still hope for the rest to come at a much later date (depending how well this one sells).

I had been drawn to Feng Shui almost naturally. Action movies are using more and more of the wire techniques every day. I have to tell you - I watched movies like the Seven Samurai like they were Operas; without translation, only being able to watch, and enjoying them like they were high art.

Christmas came twice this year though. One of my local pub-mates came by and dropped off a half dozen old Jackie Chan flicks. I haven't watched them all, but I'm looking forward to seeing them.