Card and Board Games Dungeoneer Tournament/Variant Rules
From: rhenford Posted on: 1/4/2004 4:37 pm
Message: 324.1
Are there any tournament or variant rules for Dungeoneer? Just curious what some fans have come up with.


From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 1/5/2004 6:11 pm
To: rhenford
Message: 324.2
in reply to: 324.1
The Citizen Games edition rules had a style of play in which people would contribute their own portions of the map and so forth from their deck.

If you are interested in variant rules you might want to join the Dungeoneer Yahoo Group (dungeoneer-boardgame, as I recall). Someone posted a variant rule today in which map cards are added by traversing doorways which don't have a room on the opposite side of them.

From: tldenmark Posted on: Jun-12 2:29 pm
To: rhenford
Message: 324.3
in reply to: 324.1

Atlas games has a pdf of optional rules available. It has a number of variants including a tournament option where you can construct decks and play them against each other.

Also I host a forum on my own website with quite an active Dungeoneer board.
