Card and Board Games More dungeoneer questions
From: WolfStar76 Posted on: 1/8/2004 9:18 am
Message: 325.1
Hello fellow fans.

Just played our first game of Dungeoneer last night. . . and had a question or two. Since there's no official FAQ that I could find (at least not here on the Atlas Games site, perhaps from the previous publisher?), I figured I'd pick your brains for a bit.

Our biggest question focused around the damage dealt by monsters in battle. Since the rules point out that when a monster is played and therefore initiates its 1 attack in a round, both players roll the attack, as called by the monster's player. That's all straightforward. What's confusing is this:

"...the player with the highest result scores a hit that inflicts 1 wound on the other player."

That sounds straightforward. Until you read about the "starburst" symbols on the card that read "indicates that on a hit some variable effect occurs, as described on the card".

EVERY monster in the Lich Lord deck seems to have a starburst for their attack, but nothing listed for the counter-attack.

Example - The Bug-a-Bear has Melee 2. He is also listed as with a Melee Starburst of "CLAW: inflicts 1 wound".

Reading by the rules, if he won the attack, he scores a hit, and inflicts 1 wound. Then, if I'm reading right, his variable affect comes in and he inflicts ANOTHER wound? That seemed far too powerful, as the minimum wound for a monster attack in this deck then, is 2 wound.

However, if I assume that he does ONLY starburst damage listed for Melee, Magic, or Speed. . . he has no "starburst" for magic or speed. That, then, would imply if the attacked character had saved a movement, and used it to initiate an attack, and fired off a magic attack, the Bug-a-Bear can't do damage if it wins, which seems pointless.

It would seem most logical to assume that the "Claw" in this case, is his "base" damage for scoring a melee hit, and that, as per the rules, in a magic counter-attack, he'd still score 1 wound for winning, and that it isn't made that clear in the rules. Perhaps we were simply reading too much into it. ~shrug~

There were other "technicalities" as well. If someone is "tipped" and then plays Transferrence ("Switch the positions of your hero and any other hero"). What happenes about the tip? Is being "tipped" a part of your position? Thus forcing the person you swap with to "untip" on their turn, or do YOU remain tipped, in the new location?

Slay Quests - if I have a Slay Quest as a Personal Quest, can others attack the monster? If someone else kills the monster did they steal my Quest? (Like challenging for control of an Escort quest?) Example - Slay Nard in one's Personal Quest stack.

Lastly, though I couldn't find where this is specified, we assumed that since you paid Glory to "ready" a treasure, that it's use, then, is a Free Movement? The example being the Teleport Staff. The description merely states that you remove 1 token and can then move up to 2 spaces vertically or horizontally, ignoring doors and walls. That's a Free Movement then, correct?

These questions aside. . . once we got into the "pacing" of the game, it was a lot of fun. Once we solve these quandries, I'm already tempted to get the Vault of the Fiends.

Thanks in Advance.

From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 1/8/2004 7:56 pm
To: WolfStar76
Message: 325.2
in reply to: 325.1
Hm, sounds like they changed the Teleport Staff from the old edition, so I can't answer that.

The issue of the wounds has come up on the Dungeoneer mailing list. Since I don't have the new version I can't speak to the specifics of the symbols, but my understanding is the Bugabear would do 1 wound damage, total. It attacks with Melee; if someone saved a move they could use it to strike back at the bugabear. If they lost, they'd still lose 1 wound. (I'm presuming that it has a 0 Magic, thus representing a weakness to it. Imagine the spellcaster shooting back at the monster from a bit of range, but if he loses, the bugabear got close enough to slash at him with his claws after all.)

If you have a Slay quest, NO, no one else can complete your quest. The only quests that can be stolen are the Escort quests.

Mr. Denmark said this about your Transference question on the Dungeoneer list:

"The heroes would remain in the state they are (tipped or untipped), they just swap locations.


Edited 1/8/2004 8:55:49 PM ET by CCAMFIELD
From: Hindmarch Posted on: 1/9/2004 10:18 am
To: WolfStar76
Message: 325.3
in reply to: 325.1
Hi there,

For all of your Dungeoneer-related business on the Atlas site, go to

That site has some useful information for players of the game, but there's more on the way. A larger, more formal FAQ is being assembled as the questions (like yours) come in.

Will Hindmarch
Atlas Games