Card and Board Games Dungeoneer FAQs and other good stuff
From: tldenmark Posted on: 1/8/2004 8:54 pm
Message: 326.1

You can join the dungeoneer group, and get access to FAQ's and other Dungeoneer related files and stuff here:

Happy Dungeoneering!


Edited 4/20/2005 2:12 am ET by tldenmark
From: tldenmark Posted on: 4/20/2005 2:15 am
To: tldenmark
Message: 326.2
in reply to: 326.1

Just a note,

I've added forums to my own website and there is quite an active Dungeoneer community there if you are interested.

You can access it here:

I rarely visit this forum because I have difficulties with Delphi.

Edited 6/4/2005 12:13 am ET by tldenmark