Feng Shui Active Defence: one Atk or all the Shot?
From: Bernardo73 Posted on: 1/10/2004 8:46 am
Message: 327.1
I have a question for you about Active Defence.
It's not quite clear in the rules whether an Active Defence can be used against multiple attacks. The Active Defence protects the characters from one single attack from one foe or istead it protects the characters from ALL the attacks he receives during that shot?
If 5 mook attack a character in one same shot, the character in order to get the +3 AV Active Defence on every of the 5 attacks must spend one shot for Active Defence or instead he must spend 5 shots: one for each attack?
Can you help me?
Thank you very much.


From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 1/11/2004 1:06 am
To: Bernardo73
Message: 327.2
in reply to: 327.1
I am pretty sure that you must spend one shot for *each* attack that you actively dodge. That is why Willow Step gives you a +2 dodge bonus for an entire shot, but Fox's Retreat increases your active dodge bonus to +5.

Unless your dodge AV is very low, or the mooks very competent, they are often not worth actively dodging because they may well need to roll a 6 on their positive die to have any chance of hitting you.

If their combat AV is an 8, and your dodge is a 13, they need to get a +5 on the dice. Without rolling a 6, the best roll possible is 5 minus 1 which is +4 - a miss.

From: Sensei Posted on: 1/11/2004 12:49 pm
Message: 327.3
in reply to: 327.2
Just FYI:
In the explanation of Active Dodges (p. 153), it states "Characters may also make an active dodge against any attack". Note it states 'attack' in the singular form, so one would indeed have to assume it's intended that way. (Although the rules don't elaborate further.) So, one Active Dodge per attack, thus one extra shot per dodge until your next action.

While this section in the rulebook never mentions dodging multiple attacks in the same shot, the *next* section explains adding Fortune dice to active dodges. Here, it's pointed out that you would need to spend multiple Fortune dice "if you're being attacked more than once during that shot". So this secton of the rules indirectly backs up the idea that you need to Active Dodge every separate attack.

Anyway, that's how a Green Monk explained it to me...