Ars Magica Looking forward to Living Lore!!
From: haakonolav Posted on: 1/22/2004 8:22 am
Message: 330.1
Oh yes, this might be one of the most promising books in a while. Nice to see Ars Magica delve deeper into European folklore. Do you guys have any tidbits to share with us?
Haakon Olav Thunestvedt
From: Wytchking Posted on: 1/26/2004 10:39 am
To: haakonolav
Message: 330.2
in reply to: 330.1
OooOOO!!! Yes please!!! Tidbits, perhaps so we can judge if this will be our next Ars purchase?
From: TimothyFerg Posted on: 3/7/2004 11:52 am
To: Wytchking
Message: 330.3
in reply to: 330.2
Well, I had a rejected piece in HP10 from Living Lore about the Martyrdom of Saint Isidore and the medieval uses of chewing gum. That may be a bad example.

Now that it has hit stores I suppose we can discuss it.

Basically, my take on the project is that what it involves is a huge bushel of authors, and David saying "Hey: take a myth you like and show us how a newbie SG could mine it for story ideas." Not that he actually -said- that at any point, but that's the feel of the project for me: take stories you like and mine them for settings, characters, situations that suit Ars stories.

Mine aren't the longest pieces, but I do have the most, in the sense that some people wrote a single long piece and I put in a bunch of really short ones. I came to the project late and thought that many of the more popular stories would already have been taken, so I deliberately chose ones that a casual reader of classical texts wouldn't find unless they really went looking (and I was wrong, because Niall Christie beat me to one story).

My source texts were Herodotus (4 stories), Bullfinch's Mythology (4 stories), a medieval letter about the sack of relics from Constantinople (1 story), a 1968 recording of a traditional rhyme (1 story), The Thousand and One Nights (1 story), Wagner (well, an earlier version of one of his stories) (1 story), the Decameron (1 story), and the life of a saint on CatholicWeb (1 story).

Enough hints?

From: niallchristi Posted on: 3/7/2004 11:20 pm
To: TimothyFerg
Message: 330.4
in reply to: 330.3
Hi Tim,

I didn't realise I'd beaten you to a story for LL - my apologies. That wasn't one from the 1001 Nights, by any chance...?

For those who are interested, there is a free PDF tidbit (not one of mine) from LL up at the Atlas site, at:


Edited 3/7/2004 11:22 pm ET by niallchristi
From: TimothyFerg Posted on: 3/8/2004 2:24 am
To: niallchristi
Message: 330.5
in reply to: 330.4
Yes, indeed it was. 8)

It's OK: I did the Fish of Four Colours instead.