Official Announcements Lunch Money Goodies and More!
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 2/13/2004 2:29 pm
Message: 336.1
Can't wait until March to see the new Lunch Money: Sticks & Stones expansion? Well, you're in luck! Atlas Games just got a few precious press sheets back from the printer, and we've sent one to our friends at the Source Comics & Games in St. Paul, MN (at the corner of Larpenteur & Snelling). Stop by the store for a sneak peak at the furious little face you love so well!

If you're no where near St. Paul, never fear ... Cafe Atlas is now open for business at . We've put together a few special items not yet available in retail stores to tickle your fancy, so be the first one on your block to take home a Lunch Money lunch box, perfect for storing your Lunch Money decks and counters!

And while you're at the Cafe Press site, check out Thomas Denmark's shop at . That should tide you over until the July release of the Dungeoneer: Haunted Woods of Malthorin and Dungeoneer: Den of the Rat King expansions!

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games