Official Announcements Atlas' Marketing Madness
From: Michelle Nephew Posted on: 2/18/2004 1:06 pm
Message: 338.1
Since we're starting to think about the GAMA Trade Show, I thought it would be a good time to announce our upcoming marketing support. Below are some of the promotions we have planned for the next few months:

• Promotional merchandise like the Lunch Money Lunchbox/Game Case is now available at
• Dungeoneer/ACD full-page ad in Games Quarterly for the 1st Quarter of 2004
• Lunch Money : Sticks & Stones banner ads on in February
• Living Lore (Ars Magica) featured in February's Game Buyer
• The full-color 2004 Atlas Card Games brochure will be back from the printer in time for GTS.
• Dork20 full-page ad in the March issue of Dungeon
• Lunch Money : Sticks & Stones full-page ad in the March issue of Dragon
• Lunch Money : Sticks & Stones featured in March's Game Buyer
• Beer Money full-page ad in the April issue of Dragon

Also, remember that Atlas offers the following ongoing support:

• Atlas places regular listings in Games Quarterly and Game Trade Magazine
• The web site features excerpts from Atlas products, as well as a full descriptions and color images.
• Atlas' products are cross-promoted through full-page ads in each new release.
• Information on Atlas products is distributed directly via email through the Atlas Updates newsletter.
• The Special Ops demo team is encouraged to run in-store and convention demos of Atlas products.
• Atlas offers a website retailer locator at
• Atlas Games has nationwide convention representation through Adventure Retail, Ltd.

For more information on any of Atlas Games' products, please see our web site at . Retailer support is at , and demo team info is available at .

Michelle Nephew
Atlas Games

Edited 2/18/2004 1:24:06 PM ET by Michelle Nephew (MNEPHEW)