I get the sense that Shadowfist and Feng Shui diverged the moment that Z-Man and Atlas bought out Daedalus' intellectual property. I'm pretty sure that there's never been an actual mention of the Purists even in the Daedalus FS supplements. If the 2nd Edition ever does come out, one thing that I'd adore is a slightly more in-depth history of recent ops that the Dragons have been involved with. Golden Comeback is really, really general about the background, and the story of Operation Killdeer has only been told in a Daedalus book. And quite frankly, that feels just about _it_ for backstory. Now, I love making up backstory as much as the next GM (more, most likely...I'm having a lot of fun with The Prof's backstory right now), but I think it'd kind of nice for new GMs to have a little more of a fabric to weave their own stories into. However, I really doubt that we'll ever see Shadowfist's plots take shape in FS. You've got two completely different companies and line editors for this. 'Fist has to continue the cycle of CCGs by continuing to push the story of the Secret War forward. FS is much more concerned with giving us the tools to tell our own stories.