Feng Shui brainstorming needed
From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 3/28/2004 7:56 am
Message: 345.1

has anyone of you ever tried to integrate the National Rifle Association as an origanzation that is controlled by the Ascended into the secret war? Two of my player's characters are members of the NRA and they play them, I do not want to affront anyone, very stereotype, as we (we live in germany) have seen them in the movie "Bowling for Columbine". I want to shock the characters, that there beloved NRA is controlled by an organization that seizes control over the timeline. Well, if I think a moment about it they might like it. So I need a truly shocking experience that has such a deep impact that they will see the NRA with horror thereafter. I thought about something with Project Killkid. Do you have any suggestions or any infos about/experience with the NRA?



From: prophet118 Posted on: 3/28/2004 8:47 am
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 345.2
in reply to: 345.1

im not sure id make them part of any group... honestly... its the same reason that in vampire (or any of the WoD games)... they say "the vampires didnt have anything to do with... " then they list some event, or some figure... hitler, WW1, WW2, or any other human atrocity... then say "humanity did that."


perhaps the NRA are just a group of people who like to think they are indeed aware of whats going on... perhaps they are being puppeted... but only to a small degree, and possibly not even by someone who knows the whole story..


wait... what am i saying.. this is Feng Shui... thats too thought out for the action genre..lol

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From: Queex Posted on: 3/29/2004 4:25 am
To: prophet118
Message: 345.3
in reply to: 345.2
I'd bet that the NRA would have one or two high ranking members who were part of the Lodge- who attempt to steer it in profitable directions.

If you've read Gorilla Warfare, the NRA could even go on to form the beginnings of the Dallas Rockets- and hence their supported by the Ascended in an attempt to weaken the Architects.

But basically, go with it. Don't fret about treading on people's toes. What organisations are in your Feng game shouldn't reflect on the real organisations. You can get away with making any group as evil as you like (even perpetuating the Jewish Blood Libel- if it fits your plot) as long as you make is crystal clear that it's pure fiction told purely for dramatic effect. If it makes your players uncomfortable, though, play it down and move away. Some of the best role-playing comes from working the edge.

From: prophet118 Posted on: 3/29/2004 4:28 am
To: Queex
Message: 345.4
in reply to: 345.3

i do tend to have trouble bringing in elements around here... ok.. so at some of our games, we play with this black guy.. now the only reason i even bring this up, was because of how uncomfortable i felt playing in a game (he wasnt running) that this other guy brought in elements of the KKK...


usually i dont have issues, but sometimes, its just.... icky feeling

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From: Queex Posted on: 3/29/2004 4:39 am
To: prophet118
Message: 345.5
in reply to: 345.4
Perhaps the best bet is to be up-front with your players- say you're considering introducing more edgy elements and see if they go for it. After all, if it doesn't work is is just too uncomfortable you can always critical shift it under the carpet.
From: prophet118 Posted on: 3/29/2004 4:41 am
To: Queex
Message: 345.6
in reply to: 345.5

i have had other players suggest it to me... usually after the fact..lol


hindsight is always 20/20..lol

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From: Sensei Posted on: 4/12/2004 5:19 pm
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 345.7
in reply to: 345.1
OK, you wanna talk about spooky/ stupid plots from radical social groups, check out this...

The Girlie Scouts of America sell cookies door to door. Mmmm, delicious chocolatey cookies. Millions of people buy them and scarf them by the boxful.

However, these little babies are laced with a secret ingredient, a little something brewed up by the Eaters of the Lotus. After consuming a few handfuls of the crunchy tasty goodness that are Girlie Scout Cookies, the bloated consumers are affected by the cookies as though they were a narcotic, and they slip into a zombie-like state, easily susceptible to suggestions delivered via the radio/ TV/ internet/ etc.

Soon, millions of fat, sated citizens are wandering around with crumbs on their shirts, ready to do the nefarious bidding of their Lotus masters!

(Or is that too weird?)

Edited 4/12/2004 5:27 pm ET by Sensei (Sensei22)
From: prophet118 Posted on: 4/12/2004 6:00 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 345.8
in reply to: 345.7
isnt that what they really do anyway?

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From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 4/13/2004 6:02 am
To: Sensei
Message: 345.9
in reply to: 345.7
No, it's not too weird.

But unfortunatly it hasn't anything to do with the NRA and the Ascended. Sorry. You gain 0 points. Game over.

From: Sensei Posted on: 4/13/2004 4:55 pm
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 345.10
in reply to: 345.9
No, no, my dear little Kung Fuian, I was taking the thread from Queex's comments about organizations in general (as quoted below). Sorry to have lost you. Now go eat your cookies...

> "You can get away with making any group as evil as you like"

From: DarrinBright Posted on: 4/14/2004 4:44 pm
To: Queex
Message: 345.11
in reply to: 345.3
Pick up some Illuminati or INWO cards and use those as examples. You'll notice that most organizations are given a slightly different name. Use those as an example...

Present the organization as a parody or an oddball offshoot - maybe NRA stands for Nugent's Reformation Apostles. How about the Rifle Activists of Mongkok Ballistics Organization (RAMBO), or the Armed Response Militia for Ethnic Defence (ARMED).

If the game is set in Hong Kong, then that's a perfect excuse to use a different name. What would the Chinese branch of the NRA be called? Maybe CRAHK... Chinese Rifle Association of Hong Kong.

If you use a parody, then you avoid stepping on anybody's toes, and if anyone does get offended, you've got an easy out: "Hey, the NRA is cool, but *these* wackos are seriously effed up. Completely different group, different goals."

Edited 4/14/2004 4:46 pm ET by DarrinBright
From: prophet118 Posted on: 4/14/2004 9:20 pm
To: DarrinBright
Message: 345.12
in reply to: 345.11
hey, ive got a whole huge box of illumanit new world order cards id be willing to sell..lol

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From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 4/15/2004 10:32 am
To: prophet118
Message: 345.13
in reply to: 345.12
Really, don't we all?

And don't get me started on OnTE.

Man, I haven't played that in ages. And such a good game.

From: prophet118 Posted on: 4/15/2004 2:00 pm
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 345.14
in reply to: 345.13

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From: dwjohnston Posted on: 4/15/2004 6:13 pm
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 345.15
in reply to: 345.1
Tough to do just because the NRA is such a simple organisation. Even if
the Ascended had someone at the highest ranks deciding to come down
hard on some politicians for their gun policies but not others because
of their Wheel connections, it just doesn't seem to me to be likely to be
all that shocking.

Wait... I got it. What if there was someone high ranking using the NRA
gun safety training programs as a way to select people with good aptitude for gun-fu. Then they lure them off to a special "gun camp" where they are somehow programmed into becoming killing machines with no will of their own. Then they are used as disposable assassins.

How's that? Shocking enough?