Card and Board Games Sticks and Stones
From: Queex Posted on: 4/8/2004 6:51 am
Message: 348.1
Okay, so who was responsible for the typo? Although 'Backlask' has entered our gaming vocabulary now... It's a choice expansion.

But what, exactly, is a 'plate cleaner', 'beatdown', 'snipe' or 'pins and needles'?

From: John Nephew Posted on: 4/12/2004 6:48 pm
To: Queex
Message: 348.2
in reply to: 348.1
> Okay, so who was responsible for the typo?

Failure has many parents. Charlie misspelled it; Michelle and I (and all of the Atlas office playtesters who used the mock-up cards with the error) missed it in proofreading. Scott Reeves is actually the first person who noticed it...we were having a weekly meeting, and we had some samples of press sheets that had just come in, sitting on the table in front of us, and he says, "Did anybody notice this is spelled wrong?" Urk.

> Although 'Backlask' has entered our gaming vocabulary now...

Heh. Well, we were expecting to fix it on the reprint, I'm afraid. It will remain a marker of authentic, priceless First Printing copies of the deck. :)

> But what, exactly, is a 'plate cleaner', 'beatdown', 'snipe' or 'pins and needles'?

I'm afraid you'll have to use your imagination. Then you can tell your victims as you do it to them!


From: Queex Posted on: 4/15/2004 5:36 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 348.3
in reply to: 348.2
Is there going to be an updated FAQ? We disagreed with rules regarding adjusting card values as they seemed inconsistent and difficult to apply. Perhaps some clarification as to the difference between an 'attack' and a 'card play'.

So playing multiple first aid is a single card play, powerplay is either an adjustment to the following attack or an attack on its own. Big Combo is a single card play but two attacks.

Humiliation destroys a single card play, but Backlash counters an attack or group of attacks.

Or something. Just so us pedantic types can have unambiguous rules to work from.

> and he says, "Did anybody notice this is spelled wrong?" Urk.

Happens to the best of us. I only noticed after I'd been staring at the card to five minutes.

From: Queex Posted on: 4/15/2004 5:44 am
To: Queex
Message: 348.4
in reply to: 348.3
Come to think of it, I'd be preprared to write an FAQ for hazard pay...
From: Hindmarch Posted on: 4/15/2004 3:18 pm
To: Queex
Message: 348.5
in reply to: 348.3
Hi there,

First of all: Yes, an updated FAQ is in the works. The way it happens is this: I compile questions as they come in and get answered. When a question is either clearly going to be a problem (due to the language of the rules, an oversight on our part, or anything like that), it goes on the list automatically. When a question gets asked often enough (roughly three or more times), it also goes into the FAQ. I've got a few new questions just about ready to go in now.

Notice, though, that Lunch Money is a very house rule-friendly game, so the FAQs may get multiple answers, just like the existing questions have.

Now, as for the issue of attacks versus card plays: The Sticks & Stones rules sheet defines an attack in the "terminology" section. It says:

Attack: An attack occurs when a player uses a Basic Attack card, Weapon card, or Specialty card on another player in a direct attempt to cause counter loss. Some cards allow multiple attacks.

That last sentence is important.

Compare that to the definition of an Action, and you've got the difference between an attack and a "card play." Playing multiple FIRST AIDs is a single action. BACKLAS(H/K) reverses all the attacks from a single card or a combo, which is not the same as reversing a single attack. BACKLAS(H/K) is a great answer to TANTRUM because of this.

It's all there in the rules sheet. Since this is a question that has come up a fair bit since the game's release, it will also be in the FAQ.

So, post your questions here send them to me at if you want them included in the FAQ. Thanks much!
