Ars Magica Ars Magica Books - Sell or Trade
From: TheWhiteHand Posted on: 4/14/2004 8:02 am
Message: 351.1

As always, I over purchase. ;-) As I stated when I posted a few months ago, I bought WAY too many Ars books when I got into the game. I have a ton of extras, and am looking to trade them for the other games I am interested in. I had a couple of deals lined up before, but a few fell through and so here I am again!

I have MANY of the hard to find books / minis. The list of all the specific items I have for sale/trade is below.

I am interested in trading for a large Star Wars CCG collection (the original Decipher game, not any of the spin offs or the WotC version) or a large Doomtown CCG collection (and possibly some games at that point). If you don't have any of those things to trade, than I would be happy to see if we could work out a fair price. Please contact me if you have any further questions about either what I have or what I am looking for.

I think that's about it! Drop me a line anytime. I look forward to hearing from you. Enjoy the list!

Rob Harris

A Winter's Tale
Ars Magica Fourth Edition
Deadly Legacy (2)
Faeries (1st Edition)
Faeries (Second Edition)
Hedge Magic
Heirs to Merlin: The Stonehenge Tribunal
Hidden Paths: Shamans
Houses of Hermes
Jump-Start Kit: The Stormrider
Kabbalah: Mythic Judaism
Lion of the North: The Loch Leglean Trib.
Medieval Bestiary (first edition)
Medieval Tapestry: Persona. of Mythic Eur.
More Mythic Places
Mythic Europe
Ordo Nobilis
Pax Dei
The Maleficium
The Medieval Bestiary: Revised Edition
The Medieval Handbook
The Mysteries
The Mythic Seas
The Pact of Pasaquine
The Wizard's Grimoire
The Wizard's Grimore: Revised Edition
Trial by Fire
Triamore: The Covenant at Lucien's Folly
Tribunals of Hermes: Rome
Twelth Night
Ultima Thule: Mythic Scandinavia

Mythic Perspectives, Issue #9
Mythic Perspectives, Issue #10
Mythic Perspectives, Issue #11