Wondering what marketing efforts we have in store for our upcoming products? Here are some of the promotions we have planned for the next few months. Advertising & Featured Products Dungeoneer full-page ad in Games Quarterly for the 1st Quarter of 2004 (co-op with ACD) Beer Money full-page ad in the April issue of Dragon Beer Money full-page ad in the May issue of Dragon Full-page Lunch Money: Sticks & Stones ad in the new In the Pit comic issue #1. Full-page Beer Money ad in In the Pit issue #2. Dungeoneer expansions will get a full-page ad in the July issue of Dragon. This summer, Alliances Game Trade Magazine will feature two new cut-out Cthulhu 500 promo cards. Ongoing Marketing The new full-color 2004 Atlas Card Games brochure features a 11" x 17" Sticks & Stones color poster! Promotional merchandise like the Lunch Money Lunchbox/Game Case is now available at www.cafepress.com/atlasgames Atlas places regular listings in Games Quarterly and Game Trade Magazine, and anticipates continuing inclusion in Game Buyer. The www.atlas-games.com web site features excerpts from Atlas products, as well as full descriptions and color images. Atlas' products are cross-promoted through full-page ads in each new release. Information on Atlas products is distributed directly via email through the Atlas Updates newsletter. Atlas builds its fan community with regular Blogger updates, and by hosting the official Atlas Games discussion groups. The Special Ops demo team is encouraged to run in-store and convention demos of Atlas products. Atlas Games has nationwide convention representation through Adventure Retail Ltd., and a presence at local conventions through prize support and ads in convention programs. Atlas offers a website retailer locator at www.atlas-games.com/retail_locator.html Resources Product Info: www.atlas-games.com Retailer Support: www.atlas-games.com/retailers Demo Team Info: www.atlas-games.com/specialops Michelle Nephew Atlas Games info@atlas-games.com