Ars Magica Faerie-raised Merinita-flawed?
From: jura73 Posted on: 5/6/2004 7:47 am
Message: 358.1
I was looking through the description of the Faerie-raised Merinita virtue and found something weird. It says that the person w. this virtue automatically gets Wild Magic flaw, but that flaw is nowhere to be found! I checked the index on Atlas Games site, and there is no such flaw.
I suspect that it should be "Chaotic magic", which would make the virtue slightly more balanced.

Also, I'm wondering whether the Strong Faerie Blood virtue should be included in the package, since it seems to be designed predominantly for Faerie Companions.

I'd be glad to hear about the way people handle this virtue in campaigns.


From: Decallom Posted on: 5/7/2004 2:20 am
To: jura73
Message: 358.2
in reply to: 358.1
Wild Magic virtue did exist in the 3rd Edition, I think it is a leftover from there (there are few others like that in the rulebook - like the description for the Gift of the Bear's Fortitude).

Wild Magic caused you to have an extra Botch die with spells and you needed double experience points to master spells (-2 flaw).

And personally I think Strong Faerie Blood does not really fit in the Faerie-Raised Merinita (or Faerie Blood for that matter). You can certainly have a Faerie-Raised Merinita without having Faerie Blood yourself.


From: Berengar Posted on: 5/7/2004 2:49 am
To: jura73
Message: 358.3
in reply to: 358.1
//Also, I'm wondering whether the Strong Faerie Blood virtue should be included in the package, since it seems to be designed predominantly for Faerie Companions.//

It is included - or nearly so. See WG p. 60 or Faeries p. 139: "... have the same Abilities and limitations that individuals with Strong Faerie Blood do ...".

//It says that the person w. this virtue automatically gets Wild Magic flaw, but that flaw is nowhere to be found!//

This error occurs in Faeries, but was corrected in WG p.60, where instead of 'Wild Magic' they get Loose Magic (ArM4 p. 36) and an extra botch die when casting magic.

On second thoughts: it was not even an error in 'Faeries', since that book came out around 1995, while ArM4 was published around 1996. I cannot see how John Sinead and Sarah Link - or anybody else at that time - could possibly know whether Wild Magic was going to be deleted or not about a year later.

Kind regards,


Edited 5/7/2004 2:50 am ET by Berengar

Edited 5/8/2004 3:32 am ET by Berengar
From: jura73 Posted on: 5/12/2004 9:47 am
To: Berengar
Message: 358.4
in reply to: 358.3
Thanks for your help.
We finally decided to keep the virtue as it is except for cheaper virtues given by Strong Faerie blood (we left Faerie sight & eyes in).
