Feng Shui The chase scene
From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/19/2004 7:27 am
Message: 364.1
Hey there fight-fans. I'm running a session of FS tonight for a couple of my players which will start with them clinging to the top of a speeding humvee as it plows through HK. I've got the car chase rules from Golden Comeback and a few ideas lined up. Anybody got any inspiration they want to contribute? I'm also intrigued to see if anyone regularly uses chase sequences as a part of their games.

Thanks folks.

From: Bob the Dancing Monkey Posted on: 5/19/2004 8:42 am
To: IronJester76
Message: 364.2
in reply to: 364.1
If you're going for comedy, don't forget to knock off a mook with a rope line holding a family's drying clothing across the intersection.
From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/19/2004 8:54 am
To: Bob the Dancing Monkey
Message: 364.3
in reply to: 364.2
I try for comedy - i was thinking two guys with a large pane of glass, and a window cleaner losing his ladder and tipping his bucket onto the windshield too.
Thanks for the suggestion, i'll drape my players in laundry and give them AV penalties until they pull the underwear off their heads, hands, holsters, etc.
From: Sensei Posted on: 5/19/2004 4:46 pm
To: IronJester76
Message: 364.4
in reply to: 364.3
Oh, man, don't pass up the classic "chickens in fragile cages" opportunity! Once the humvee hits 'em, not only are there feathers all over the place, possibly getting into mouths and eyes (especially the driver's), but then wild excited chickens are running amok INSIDE the vehicle! Wooooo hoooooo!

I *love* me some chase scenes, baby! I work a chase into at least every other adventure. One of our characters has a sporty fast car, and another has a vintage El Camino. (Three fit in front, everybody else piles into the open cab in back. Watch those sharp turns!) They're also not adverse to stealing the occasional garbage truck and/ or heavy construction vehicle. (Ever had a four-way bulldozer chase scene around a city trash dump? Oh, the disgusting possibilities!) One of our guys is a pilot with a surplus Huey chopper from the Viet Nam War, so our chase scenes aren't limited to the ground, either. ("Bail out?! Dude, this thing doesn't =have= parachutes!")

I'm trying to figure out a good way to work a moped chase scene into an adventure. I'm really hoping to stage it in the Netherworld...

From: Queex Posted on: 5/20/2004 5:25 am
To: Sensei
Message: 364.5
in reply to: 364.4
What about a hothead executive who gets cut up at a junction and then tried to drive the party off the road? Or some random cop cars getting involved.

A street party or a marching band might not go amiss.

From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/20/2004 7:34 am
To: Queex
Message: 364.6
in reply to: 364.5
We postponed the game last night due to work, so more inspiration people! I'm loving the ideas. I was already gonna include random cop cars in the chase as well as some traffic police on motorbikes and maybe even a helicopter, but i love the thought of a pissed-off advertising exec joining the chase in his BMW because his paintwork got scratched or his coffee got spilt. Thanks Queex, I'll let the players decide if he's an innocent civilian or not...

Thanks also to sensei, the chickens are a must! Plus, Hong Kong does have some really exotic livestock for sale. Perhaps the hummer should plow through the front of a restaurant specialising in Snakes (snake meat, snake bile, snake venom! It's true!) leaving a pile of freaked out vipers on the hood. Or perhaps a fish market? I can just see my players trying to maintain their cool with a lobster clamped to their groins or poisonous fugu fish flying through the air.

From: Queex Posted on: 5/20/2004 7:41 am
To: IronJester76
Message: 364.7
in reply to: 364.6
You could try and arrange matters so that the driver has to take an urgent phone call during the chase. Speed cameras flash and blind drivers. A shopping trolley full of golf balls gets overturned. Someone's car should catch fire- not that they stop driving. On a narrow road, the chase is held up by a learner driver. The speed reduces to 10 mph. Fast characters might be able to change vehicles by running alongside.
From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 5/21/2004 3:49 am
To: IronJester76
Message: 364.8
in reply to: 364.1
Exchange Queex's learner driver with a chinese folk parade, complete with dragons and fireworks. The spectators are really pissed of by the guys which disturb their party.

For the dramatic events:
A class of school kids who are crossing the road.

While the chase goes over a junction, the cars cut(?) some trucks from the fire fighters. While these are trying to avoid a crash they fall over.

A road works which is unfortunatly in the way of the combatants. Of course including a guy who is desparatly weaving some warning flags while he is running away. And lots of wood road blocks.

From: Sensei Posted on: 5/21/2004 5:34 pm
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 364.9
in reply to: 364.8
And of course, don't forget the funeral procession! The PCs gun it around a corner to see... 20 sloooowly driving mourners, naturally heading in the same direction the PCs need to go.

For a truly "Huh?" moment, have the PCs' chase momentarily cross paths with *another* group's chase! Suddenly, there are twice as many cars with police/ chickens/ vipers/ fugu fish/ laundry/ construction debris squealing and screeching about the roadway, either directly at each other, or coming at each other at right angles at an intersection.

Have the PCs drive into the middle of a biker gang/ 18-wheeler convoy. The PCs need to dodge/ race/ shoot around the swarm of small/ huge vehicles without getting squashed or doing the squashing. (Hell, the bikers may add their own gunfire to the mix, or at least throw beer bottles!)

From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/24/2004 8:24 am
To: Sensei
Message: 364.10
in reply to: 364.9
Of course, if i was feeling really evil, there is a movie tradition for funeral processions becoming ambushes (Live & let die, Big trouble in little china) but i think with everything thats been posted i can run my PC's ragged for some time and still have leftovers.

Thanks to all who posted, my players are gonna be mad with you...

From: Sensei Posted on: 5/24/2004 4:46 pm
To: IronJester76
Message: 364.11
in reply to: 364.10
I wish them luck.

(I didn't even get to the famous "big-ass delivery truck backing out into the alley in front of the chase" suggestion...)

From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/25/2004 3:58 am
To: Sensei
Message: 364.12
in reply to: 364.11
Hey no fear, i haven't run the game yet - thursday night i think.

And the truck is a classic, leaving a couple of uniform cops beating on the roof of the car as the rest of the chase dissapears into the distance.

From: Queex Posted on: 5/25/2004 5:17 am
To: IronJester76
Message: 364.13
in reply to: 364.12
Actually, simple gradient can be a great opportunity. A huge downhill slope affords opportunities for jumps, driving along roofs, and runaway vehicles causing carnage