Feng Shui Blindness/Darkness
From: Tiffany Posted on: 5/24/2004 1:05 pm
Message: 366.1


I can't seem to find the effects of blindness or darkness anywhere!?

I just had a Lotus Sorceror blast a Bruiser with Light for 3 shots..and he was like er okay so what does that do to me?

Other than saying hey your blind I didn't know what game effect it should have...

Also there is a whole Fu path dedicated to fighting in darkness..but I can't find any penelties for lighting...so?




From: Sensei Posted on: 5/24/2004 4:43 pm
To: Tiffany
Message: 366.2
in reply to: 366.1
Well, the main rules don't address blind fighting or fighting in the dark specifically, but the rules for Cover (p. 159) state that barriers that reduce visibility but that aren't solid are half of the standard Cover AV modifiers.

To extrapolate, I'd say for fighting in the dark [or blind], use the modifier for 90-plus percent cover (-6 to your attack AV), so half of that would be -3 to attacks or task checks made in the dark or while blinded.

That's just off the cuff. There may be some rules for blindness in one of the sourecebooks that I'm forgetting about.

From: Queex Posted on: 5/25/2004 5:19 am
To: Sensei
Message: 366.3
in reply to: 366.2
The fu schtick that generates blindness levies a -4 penalty, but that is supernatural darkness. Personally, I'd let them roll Perception and give them a penalty depending on their explanation and roll.

Of course, I also rules that darkness penalties do not affect dodge- simply because a group of characters blundering around swinging wildly and missing is so funny.

From: IronJester76 Posted on: 5/26/2004 8:26 am
To: Queex
Message: 366.4
in reply to: 366.3
I'm writing from work, and so don't have any books with me, but i tend to use a basic -4AV penalty for darkness/blinding etc. Of course this could alter either way depending on what the characters want to do, but i'd agree that it shouldn't affect dodges as long as everyone in the fight is blinded/ in the dark.

It's usually just an excuse for my PC's to fire up 'Friend of Darkness' or whip out night-vision goggles ( i tend to reduce the penalty if wearing these, not remove it. After all, you've got a pair of goggles and a battery-pack strapped to your head and night vision is monochrome, so your not un-impeded, your just making it easier than fighting in total darkness).

Interesting point re: darkness. If you've not seen it, check out a film i watched the other night called 'Darkness Falls'. I enjoyed the flick anyway, but it had a great supernatural creature with interesting darkness-related powers AND limitations. Watch for the scene in the police station when things go a bit bad for the good guys. I'm gonna steal the whole idea for a game.

From: Queex Posted on: 6/1/2004 5:35 am
To: IronJester76
Message: 366.5
in reply to: 366.4
'Pitch Black' might give some useful ideas, too.
From: Sensei Posted on: 6/2/2004 5:20 pm
To: Queex
Message: 366.6
in reply to: 366.5
There's an 80's movie called "Blind Fury" starring Rutger 'Badass' Hauer as a Vietnam vet who was blinded, learned to fight with a katana from an old Vietnamese master, and now wanders around kicking serious butt without being able to see a thing.

While the movie is just cheezy wholesome action fun, it's based on a true story of a samurai who was blinded in battle and re-learned how to fight without seeing, often defeating multiple opponents.

In game terms, a PC blinded permanently could eventually crank up his Perception to compensate, possibly removing the penalties after several years of training, if a GM were so inclined.

For you Masked Avengers, the superhero DareDevil uses his powers along the same line.

[Don't know what this has to do with the thread exactly, but what the hell.]

From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 6/3/2004 5:04 am
To: Sensei
Message: 366.7
in reply to: 366.6
Check out "Zaitoichi" from Beat Takeshi (http://german.imdb.com/title/tt0363226)!


From: IronJester76 Posted on: 6/11/2004 8:45 am
To: Sensei
Message: 366.8
in reply to: 366.6
I seem to remember the two cowboy badguys in Blind Fury. One who would curse 'Sh*t', the other 'F*ck', then the two together

It was the best thing i remember about the film, so i'd better check it out again.