Feng Shui Atlas at GenCon?
From: Sensei Posted on: 6/19/2004 5:16 pm
To: John Nephew
Message: 374.1
Hey, John. Is Atlas going to be at GenCon in Aug? I didn't see a single listing for any Feng Shui rpg sessions offered. I would have figured that if the company were going to be there, they'd offer some role playing sessions.

Did I miss something in the catalog?

Just curious,

From: John Nephew Posted on: 6/21/2004 12:37 am
To: Sensei
Message: 374.2
in reply to: 374.1
> Is Atlas going to be at GenCon in Aug?


> I didn't see a single listing for any Feng Shui rpg sessions
> offered. I would have figured that if the company were going to
> be there, they'd offer some role playing sessions.

Most of the RPGs at Gen Con are run by volunteer GMs, running whatever they feel like. We don't normally run any games ourselves, except demos in the booth, and that tends to be card game focused. (You can teach about a hundred people to play Lunch Money in the time it takes to run 4-6 players through an RPG scenario...)

From: Hindmarch Posted on: 6/21/2004 3:22 pm
To: Sensei
Message: 374.3
in reply to: 374.1
Hi there,

A quick search on GenCon.com turns up all three of the Feng Shui sessions I'll be running at GenCon Indy (assuming that's the GenCon you mean). Each of them is already sold out, and has been for weeks. I may get time to throw together some pick-up games, though. (I hope I do.)

I haven't seen one of the GenCon books yet, though, so can't tell you what it says in there, or why.

Swing by the booth at GenCon Indy and nag me if you want to get in on a pick-up game. I loves to run me some Feng Shui.


From: Sensei Posted on: 7/28/2004 5:47 pm
To: Hindmarch
Message: 374.4
in reply to: 374.3
> "Swing by the booth at GenCon Indy and nag me if you want to get in on a pick-up game. I loves to run me some Feng Shui. - Will"

Cool! Perhaps I didn't see the games listed because they were filled up already. But mayhaps we'll indeed try to talk you into a game while we're visiting the booth! [Atlas is gonna be one of the first booths we hit while there, of course.]