Ars Magica Mysteries was good but ...
From: WilliamEx Posted on: 6/23/2004 2:39 pm
Message: 376.1
I would have expected to have some details about the mechanics of the magical world of ars magica.

Thing like the true working system of magic. Possible revolutions with the knowledge that we are circling the sun and not the sun around us.

Details about flaws of Bonisagus system.
Details about why there are affinity's are possible. is it a flaw n the MT design ???
What lies beyong twilight

More about the ancients & the egypciens & other magical entities

and so much more...

From: Styren Posted on: 6/23/2004 7:24 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 376.2
in reply to: 376.1
The lost chapters were published in Hermes' Portal, Pyramid and Ars Mag.
From: caribet Posted on: 6/24/2004 6:59 am
To: WilliamEx
Message: 376.3
in reply to: 376.1
> I would have expected to have some details about the mechanics
> of the magical world of ars magica.
> Thing like the true working system of magic. Possible
> revolutions with the knowledge that we are circling the
> sun and not the sun around us.

Eh?!?!? I am amazed!

In Mythic Europe we can be sure that the Sun circles the Earth, between the lunar Sphere and the Fixed Stars, below Heaven. The Wandering Planets wander because that is their role...

Why should it be otherwise? The great minds before us have determined that it is so!

[*Of course, if you wish to introduce C21 ideas and realities, all well and good - but magic isn't one of them]

From: WilliamEx Posted on: 6/25/2004 11:50 pm
To: caribet
Message: 376.4
in reply to: 376.3
[*Of course, if you wish to introduce C21 ideas and realities, all well and good - but magic isn't one of them]

Who said I wanted to I was just giving a few pointers as too what could have been placed in the mysteries
The real truth could lie in the fact that the Earth is not a plate but a cube with sll four dimentions in balance with the titans holding the 6 faces and the gods on the other side of our surface of the cube.


From: GrayLion Posted on: 7/1/2004 7:39 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 376.5
in reply to: 376.4
well, Ptolemy already prved that the earth was a sphere, so that can be found. And what happens when the order moves towards renaissance? Kepler, Kopernikus, Galilei?
From: Berengar Posted on: 7/2/2004 2:23 am
To: GrayLion
Message: 376.6
in reply to: 376.5
//well, Ptolemy already prved that the earth was a sphere, ...//

Actually, Erathosthenes in the middle of the 3rd century BC already computed the perimeter of the Earth quite exactly.
Ptolemy (Claudius Ptolemaeus) lived some 400 years later, when the fact that the Earth was a sphere was common knowledge among all scholars.

Kind regards,
