Ars Magica Potions... source of all power in ARS
From: WilliamEx Posted on: 6/29/2004 11:44 am
Message: 378.1
What limits a potion's power? With the actual rules a mature magi could mage a potion lvl 150 easy beeing limited only by his MT+Vim score for added vis use. I dare not imagine the potions of a archmagus.

I find this is not suitable for game play. Anybody else bumped into this problem ?

From: Berengar Posted on: 7/1/2004 12:45 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 378.2
in reply to: 378.1
In Vis-rich campaigns characters boosting potions and spontaneous spells with Vis can cause SG-headaches, because in this way they can work many high-level spell effects otherwise not within their reach.

The cop-out solution to that problem proposed by David Chart years ago was to use an opening clause on ArM4 p. 105 and declare effects one does not care to have in one's campaign to be rituals, thus beyond the reach of potions and spontaneous spells.

This is not completely satisfying IMO, and the better solution is certainly to control characters' access to Vis.

Kind regards,


From: Ed9C Posted on: 7/1/2004 12:46 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 378.3
in reply to: 378.1
Why would this be a problem?
Sure a powerful magus can create a powerful potion, but why would they...
There needs to be a reason for a magus of that age to waste a season on a temporary solution.
The older magus would more wisely spend his time making an item that would perform the function, and charging vis, or favors for the use of the item.


From: WilliamEx Posted on: 7/2/2004 8:05 am
To: Ed9C
Message: 378.4
in reply to: 378.3
< Why would this be a problem? >

Well Tomas the faithfull grog takes a potion From magus the average which contains a MuCo(Vi-Au) 90 that transforms him into a greater elemental of air for the day. Tomas is set to be charged to destroy the enemy of Magus the agerage...

<Sure a powerful magus can create a powerful potion, but why would they...
There needs to be a reason for a magus of that age to waste a season on a temporary solution. >

Fast easy an powerfull who would spend the next 10 years to design the same effect as a formulaic ?

From: Ed9C Posted on: 7/2/2004 12:26 pm
To: WilliamEx
Message: 378.5
in reply to: 378.4
<<Fast easy an powerfull who would spend the next 10 years to design the same effect as a formulaic ?>>
More likely, since the lab total is similar, an older magus would create an item to perform the function on a daily, or greater frequency, not create a formulaic spell.
i.e. if the magus can create a potion of MuCo(Vi-Au) 90, it would be a better use of time to create a wand of transform to elemental MuCo(Vi-Au) 90 for some number of uses in a day... Which would take the same time as creating the potion, with the added benefit of not having to waste other seasons to make more potions, if needed later, and can charge vis for use of the item... If the magus is sufficiently powerful to create the potion, he/she is also powerful enough to create the item as a minor (i.e. one season instead of three) magic item.


From: WilliamEx Posted on: 7/2/2004 2:32 pm
To: Ed9C
Message: 378.6
in reply to: 378.5
<i.e. if the magus can create a potion of MuCo(Vi-Au) 90, it would be a better use of time to create a wand of transform to elemental MuCo(Vi-Au) 90 for some number of uses in a day... Which would take the same time as creating the potion, with the added benefit of not having to waste other seasons to make more potions, if needed later, and can charge vis for use of the item... If the magus is sufficiently powerful to create the potion, he/she is also powerful enough to create the item as a minor (i.e. one season instead of three) magic item.>

I agree with you on that but in my example the magus would have a lab total of let's say 50 and boost with vis his potion to lvl 90 with 6 pion of vis whis is quite easy for him to do.

in addition you only need to attein the level for a potion, not accumulate the surplus.

From: Rodomont Posted on: 11/5/2004 9:03 pm
To: Ed9C
Message: 378.7
in reply to: 378.5
<< Which would take the same time as creating the potion, with the added benefit of not having to waste other seasons to make more potions, if needed later, and can charge vis for use of the item... >>

And then the SG arranges for the item to be lost or stolen, and it makes its return later in the hands of a powerful enemy... extremely powerful magical items are what stories are made of, after all!

From: Ed9C Posted on: 11/6/2004 10:33 am
To: Rodomont
Message: 378.8
in reply to: 378.7
So much the better. :)