Ars Magica The Maleficium
From: GrayLion Posted on: 7/1/2004 8:24 pm
Message: 383.1
Maybe the coolest sourcebook ever. Any chance of making it available as pdf?
From: John Nephew Posted on: 7/1/2004 11:34 pm
To: GrayLion
Message: 383.2
in reply to: 383.1
> Any chance of making it available as pdf?

I would love to. Here's the problem: We have no digital files. We have printed copies of the book -- I think we even have the film from the printers -- but not the digital files of the layout or even the manuscript.

We've been working on a solution for this. In fact, a copy of Pax Dei has been sacrificed already in the far we have not gotten back a digital file. But it should be possible (whether or not it's affordable is a different question!).

If we do get a satisfactory arrangement, I'd like to make a whole range of ancient Ars titles available as PDFs -- Maleficium, Pax Dei, The Tempest, the original Covenants, etc. For now we must just wait and see.

From: mithriel Posted on: 7/2/2004 2:13 am
To: GrayLion
Message: 383.3
in reply to: 383.1
>Maybe the coolest sourcebook ever. Any chance of making it available as pdf?

First time I read this opinion. :-)

From: GrayLion Posted on: 7/2/2004 6:38 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 383.4
in reply to: 383.2
Oh, don't get me started on covenants. They are the central characters of the game and sadly underrepresented. Make a new covenants book!!!!
From: Styren Posted on: 7/2/2004 3:59 pm
To: GrayLion
Message: 383.5
in reply to: 383.1
Really? You certainly use the errata pulished in an old Redcap issue or I won't believe you are using the rules in this book.
From: GrayLion Posted on: 7/2/2004 8:13 pm
To: Styren
Message: 383.6
in reply to: 383.5
I know the errata. I am not using that book at the mo because

- I am playing ArM for the first time in 7 years
- my ex took her Maleficiom with her when we split

From: Styren Posted on: 7/3/2004 4:37 am
To: GrayLion
Message: 383.7
in reply to: 383.6
Two good reasons :-))