Ars Magica companion creation
From: veltrica Posted on: 7/7/2004 1:49 pm
Message: 387.1
The sourcebooks that I have (ArM4, HoH, HW, and WGRE) do a wonderful job helping me create unique and very interesting magi. However, I really struggle when it comes to the creation of companions. My consortes tend to be minor variations of only a few different types of characters. I was hoping that someone could point me towards a source or give me some tips to make these characters more unique, diverse, and interesting. Maybe this is a flaw of the system, but I think that it is more likely a flaw of my brain.
From: Ed9C Posted on: 7/7/2004 9:05 pm
To: veltrica
Message: 387.2
in reply to: 387.1
There are two ways to think of this:
1. What positions would the covenant be willing to pay more than average money to attract, these will generally be highly skilled individuals who can provide a needed service. i.e. blacksmith, glazier (glass smith), librarian, autocrat, book binder, discreet obtainer of information (spy/scout), etc.
2. What positions would be fun to play where more than the grog level of virtues/flaws is necessary. This is highly individual, and depends entirely on the player. I have seen a forester, hunter, merchant, and a few others that fit this category.


From: Berengar Posted on: 7/8/2004 3:39 pm
To: veltrica
Message: 387.3
in reply to: 387.1
//... struggle when it comes to the creation of companions. My consortes tend to be minor variations of only a few different types of characters.//

Building companions is certainly not limited to a few variations of known and common themes. Indeed sometimes the sheer wealth of options to build a companion can be staggering.

There's basically three questions to ask yourself when it comes to design one:
(1) What is his/her position in society? (Nobleman, Magister in Artibus, Student, Scribe, Cleric, Woodsman, Wise Woman, Warrior, Knight, Redcap, Merchant, Weirdo, Hermit ...)
(2) What makes him/her special? (Faerie Blood, Latent Magical Ability, True Faith, a knack with the other sex, Lycanthropy, Money, Friends, great fencing skills, a Curse, a Secret ...)
(3) What is his/her connection with the covenant?

You have a lot of Virtue and Flaw points to spend, allowing you to elaborate and correlate several aspects of your character already at that stage.

For generic inspiration I can recommend Atlas' 'Ordo Nobilis', 'A Medieval Tapestry', 'Faeries' and 'Hedge Magic'.

You can also look up the - historical or not so - environment of your covenant: is there a pilgrimage site, a monastery, a castle, a major trade route, a river, a port, a city, a cathedral, a university, dense woods, a faerie forest, a haunted place nearby? All can give good ideas and backgrounds for companions.

Kind regards,


Edited 7/8/2004 3:40 pm ET by Berengar