Feng Shui Flying Sword
From: KungFuStrong Posted on: 7/8/2004 8:51 am
Message: 388.1
How do you define the term "fly" in the description of this Fu Shtick? Can a Prodigious Leap or a Vertical Charge be used? If yes, how is the damage determined?


From: CCAMFIELD Posted on: 7/10/2004 11:53 am
To: KungFuStrong
Message: 388.2
in reply to: 388.1
I've figured yes, you can use those fu schticks with it, but they don't grant extra damage. Good for a dramatic entrance, though.
From: apple1233 Posted on: 9/25/2004 7:15 am
Message: 388.3
in reply to: 388.2
The damage is determined by your move rating (normally 5, sometimes up to 10). The rest (running, jumping) are more or less multipliers of the moverating and do not increase it.