Ars Magica Effect of high Aura on people
From: jura73 Posted on: 9/13/2004 10:46 am
Message: 405.1
Hi everybody!

Last weekend our troupe had a heated argument about effect of high (magnitude 5 - 8) magical Aura on :
1) Mundanes
2) Apprentices
3) Magi

While we all agreed that mundanes get warped & weird from living in Aura, concensus was not so easy to reach in other 2 points.

In 4th ed ArM boon it says:
"Apprentices are often overpowered."

Now, the argument was mostly about the meaning of overpowered, with me holding that it may mean "too powerful for their own good" while others thought it to mean "overwhelmed".
Also, it wasn't clear if apprentices or magi are affected by warping, or exempt from it. In several books there are examples of seriously weird magi, who are that way "because they lived for long time in high aura".
Now, I thought that was because in high aura you roll more botches, so more twilights and flaws. Others thought it was due to warping on magi.

If anyone has any insight on this (especially if you have any idea what the authors meant), I would be grateful.

Thank you,


From: John Nephew Posted on: 9/20/2004 4:37 pm
To: jura73
Message: 405.2
in reply to: 405.1
I understand it to mean "overwhelmed."

Consider the effect of all the extra botch dice in a high aura on apprentices who have to practice a lot to master any spells, etc.

5th Edition, as some have surmised from the new "Warping" stat, brings rules to quantify the long-term effects of auras and the like.

From: jura73 Posted on: 9/21/2004 7:25 am
To: John Nephew
Message: 405.3
in reply to: 405.2
Thanks for the answer!

The apprentices were the key problem, and our troupe has already decided to go to 5th ed. as soon as it comes out, so we'll wait until then for more details on Warping.

BTW, will 5th. ed. be available through Amazon and, if so, when?
Will there be preorders?



From: John Nephew Posted on: 9/21/2004 1:25 pm
To: jura73
Message: 405.4
in reply to: 405.3
Yes, it will be available through Amazon. However, I don't think Amazon is able to take pre-orders on our titles. The way their system works for us, I have to manually enter a title after it's already available, and then it takes 2+ weeks for them to activate it, and then place orders (which usually are only 2 books to start with). Perhaps someone will handle it differently this time, but if the past is a guide, Amazon probably won't have a good supply until January. (And at that point, the price will be going up.)

Warehouse 23 will have the books ASAP, and they *do* take pre-orders. They're not taking pre-orders yet, but when they do, I expect this will be the URL: